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After all, to my mind, for sheer humour of a quiet sort, nothing beats the observation of the late Sir John Godfrey, who never got up before one in the day, and invariably breakfasted when his family were having lunch. Being asked one day to account for this rather inconvenient habit, he replied: 'The fact is, I sleep very slow.

That the Christian Science doctrine is a sheer absurdity, no one can hold more emphatically than the present writer; but it cannot be denied that in thousands of cases its acceptance has been of physical benefit through its subjective effect upon the believer.

"Try first if it will open to your hand," said I, shaking off the vague apprehension that had seized me, "while I unclosed the shutters and see what is without." I unbarred the shutters, the window looked on the little backyard I have before described; there was no ledge without, nothing to break the sheer descent of the wall.

So the spectators were all requested to arrange themselves under the sheer cliff of the kloof, where they could not be seen by the birds coming over them from behind, and there to keep silence.

Many of her companions perished of exposure and want; others were lost on the way; some lay down from sheer exhaustion, or to try to sleep, and, ignorant of the hour of march, on awaking found themselves in the power of the enemy. The sick and the wounded anxiously looked around for some humane friend to help them, but their cries were lost in the air.

All hands were held up on this occasion, and Fanny held hers the straightest and highest of all. "Three cheers for Martha West!" said Susie Rushworth. "It will be splendid to have Martha!" said both the Bertrams; while Olive, always gay, spirited, and full of fun, laughed from sheer delight.

And at home Mogley's wife was dying holding to life by sheer power of will, that she might rejoice with him over his triumph. Tears blinded his eyes. Even the other members of the company were laughing at his discomfiture. Only a little brunette in pink tights who played Siebel, and whom he had never met before, had a look of sympathy for him. "It's a tough audience.

Two packing-boxes of different heights made the problem of ascent easy. But the other side was a sheer drop; and Celia was afraid. "I can't!" she cried. "It's too far!" "Just drop," advised Bobby desperately. "Hurry up! He'll be around the corner!" "I daren't!" cried poor Celia. "You go first." Promptly Bobby dangled; and dropped. "See; it's easy. Come on, I'll catch you!"

I have already told you how the road follows the coast-line, high up the cliffs, so that you look down hundreds of feet, almost sheer on to the waves dashing against the rocks below. There's nothing but a low wall to prevent you pitching bang over and dashing yourself to bits, if you had an accident.

Add an antagonist, 2. Add an obstacle, 3. Add a problem, 4. But where pugnacity is not enlisted, those of us who are not directly involved find it hard to keep up our interest. For those who are involved the absorption may be real enough to hold them even when no issue is involved. They may be exercised by sheer joy in activity, or by subtle rivalry or invention.