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It was another team filled with harvesters trying to pass, and not succeeding. The fellows in the other wagon hooted and howled and cracked the whip, but Al's little bays kept them behind until Lime protested, "Oh, let 'em go, Al," and then with a shout of glee the team went by and left them in a cloud of dust. "Say, boys," said Bill, "that was Pat Sheehan and the Nagle boys.

"Where is ut?" he demanded. "The short stick? The wan for me?" The captain pointed to the four sticks lying on the deck. "How do you know the stick was mine?" O'Brien questioned. "Did you see ut, Johnny Sheehan?" Johnny Sheehan, who was the youngest of the boys, did not answer. "Did you see ut?" O'Brien next asked Mahoney. "No, I didn't see ut." The men were muttering and growling.

John Sheehan was confounded by this address from his invisible persecutor, but nevertheless he mustered courage enough to say, 'Who are you? come here, and let me see you, if you are a man'; but he received in reply only a laugh of unearthly derision, which was followed by a 'Good-bye I'll watch you at dinner, John! 'Lord between us and harm! this beats all!

One week on the road, one week at home. That was his routine. The wholesale grocery trade liked Platt, and he had for his customers the fondness that a travelling salesman has who is successful in his territory. Before his marriage to Terry Sheehan his little red address book had been overwhelming proof against the theory that nobody loves a fat man.

It's Pike's Canaan ye mean. If ye git the nomination, ye'd be elected, wouldn't ye?" "I couldn't be nominated." "I ain't claimin' ye'd git Martin Pike's vote," returned Mr. Sheehan, sharply, "though I don't say it's impossible. Ye've got to beat him, that's all. Ye've got to do to him what he's done to YOU, and what he's tryin' to do now worse than ever before.

And when it developed that I had come to inquire about the cause of all the excitement every old-lady boarder in the house wanted to tell me about it all at the same time. "It seems that three days ago this Mrs. Vinsolving applied at the place for room and board. Mrs. Sheehan vaguely remembered her as having been her guest for a short time ten or twelve years ago.

Sheehan took her in willingly enough. "She went straight to her room on the third floor and stayed there, having her meals brought up to her. But this morning early she went to the landlady and begged for protection, saying she was in fear of her life. Mrs. Sheehan very naturally inquired to know what was up and then Mrs.

His comrade Sheehan and he were pointed out to "the King" by Lizarraga as two modest deserving young soldiers who had offered to fight in the ranks a trait of unselfishness that must have astonished the Carlist leaders, as most of the volunteers they had from France came out with the full intention of commanding brigades, when divisions were not to be had.

But something " "You was going to complain," put in his lady, heavily, "about that Teddy Sykes at the Palace Gardens singing the same songs this week that you been boosting at the Inn." He put up a vibrant, peremptory hand. "Bah! What does that matter now! What does anything matter now! Listen Miss ah Miss ?" "Pl Sheehan. Terry Sheehan." He gazed off a moment into space. "Hm.

That influence, I mean, which is striving so hard to discredit me that lynch-law has been hinted for poor Fear if I should clear him! Have you thought of that? Have you thought " "Have we thought o' Martin Pike?" exclaimed Mr. Sheehan, springing to his feet, face aflame and beard bristling. "Ay, we've thought o' Martin Pike, and our thinkin' of him is where he begins to git what's comin' to him!