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'To Tom Scudamore, presented by the passengers in the Highflyer coach on the 4th of August, 1808, as a testimony of their appreciation of his gallant conduct, by which their property was saved from plunder. Why, what is this, you young pickles, what were you up to on the 4th of August last year?"

Art thou there? cried his lordship. 'I gave him fair warning two years ago, my lord, and the king wants horses, said Scudamore cunningly. 'Rowland, I like not such warfare. Yet can the roundheads say nought against it, who would filch kingdom from king and church from bishops, said the marquis, turning again to Heywood. 'As they from the pope, my lord, rejoined Richard.

Richard took his stand on the side of the public road opposite the gate; but just ere Scudamore came, which was hardly a minute after, a cloud crept over the moon, and, as he happened to stand in a line with the bole of a tree, Scudamore did not catch sight of him. When he turned to walk along the road, Richard thought he avoided him, and, making a great stride or two after him, called aloud

Scudamore, with the black interpreter, Charles Thomas, and some of the negroes, started to pioneer a way. After five days Charles appeared at Magomero, exhausted, foot-sore, ragged, and famished, having had no food for forty-eight hours, and just able to say "the Man- gnaja attacked us; I am the only one who has escaped."

Scudamore declined the invitation, but with perfect courtesy, for there was that about Roger Heywood which rendered it impossible for any man who was himself a gentleman, whatever his judgment of him might be, to show him disrespect.

Scudamore, seeing that the coast was clear, and no enemy in chase of this poor creature, immediately filled his hat with fresh water for the tide was out now, and the residue was sweet and speaking very gently in the English language, for he saw that he must have been hard-shouted at in French, was allowed without any more disturbance of the system to supply a little glad refreshment.

The marquis disappeared from the window. Presently young Scudamore came into the court from the staircase by the gate, and crossed to the hall in a few minutes returning with the keeper. The man would have taken the dog by the neck to lead him away, but a certain form of canine curse, not loud but deep, and a warning word from Dorothy, made him withdraw his hand. 'Take care, Mr.

The boys were made a great deal of by the whole county, and Miss Scudamore was greatly gratified at the name and credit they had gained for themselves. She no longer worried about them, but as Rhoda declared, quite spoiled them, and as Sam made no attempt to win the love of the faithful Hannah, there was no cloud to mar the pleasure of the holiday.

"I am glad you think so replied she, for he is distractedly in love with you." "Law! Lady Scudamore said I, how can you talk so ridiculously?" "Nay, t'is very true answered she, I assure you, for he was in love with you from the first moment he beheld you."

Let me impart to thee certain verses I found but yesterday, for they will tell thee better what I mean. Thou knowest the sacred volume of the blessed George Herbert? 'I never heard of him or it, said Scudamore. 'It is no matter as now: these verses are not of his. Prithee, hearken: 'I carry with, me, Lord, a foolish fool, That still his cap upon my head would place.