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'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird!" The brethren thrilled at the well-understood allusion to the speaker's abiding-place, while the outsiders, scenting a veiled scurrility, craned to listen and to watch.

But, at this moment, a dog scenting along the ground, came in beneath the maple-trees, and gazed alternately at each of these wicked men, and then at the quiet sleeper. He then lapped out of the fountain. "Pshaw!" said one villain. "We can do nothing now. The dog's master must be close behind." "Let's take a drink and be off," said the other

I says, 'Good morning' regular and them birds all bows to me, they does." When the laughter had subsided, scenting possible information: "I gather," said I, "that you get few shooting-parties nowadays?" Gloom descended upon both my gossips. "You're right, you are, sir," replied the game-keeper. "He's right, ain't he, Martin?" Martin, the landlord, growled.

The cow, scenting mischief, would not go; first she turned back to the cowshed and was dragged towards the highroad, then she lowed so miserably that Maciek went pale and Magda was heard to sob loudly: the gospodyni would not look out of the window.

Do you fink we could sell a few peanuts now? I know where Jim keeps 'em." "Wal, I reckon ye kin sell peanuts, my pretty, if ye have 'em to sell," answered the old man, seeing no reason why Daisy should not have her own way, and perhaps scenting a little diversion for himself in the project; "but if ye can't go round to t'other street, how are ye goin' to get 'em?"

To avoid being seen, Michael's intention was not to mount until after turning a corner some two hundred feet from the wood. Unfortunately, just at the moment that he was issuing from the wood, an Usbeck's horse, scenting him, neighed and began to trot along the road. His master ran to catch him, and seeing a shadowy form moving in the dim light, "Look out!" he shouted.

He had thrown some crystals into the water, scenting it with a perfume fragrant and refreshing, the temperature was just right, and as Jones plunged and wallowed and lay half floating, supporting himself by the silver plated rails arranged for that purpose, the idea came to him that if the practical joke were to continue as pleasantly as it had begun, he, for one, would not grumble.

I would like to scent you" Bee, like other children I know, always talked of "scenting" flowers; she said "smell" was not a pretty enough word for such pretty things "but I am afraid of knocking over that lovely glass. It must be one of Aunt Lillias's that she has lent." A little soft laugh came from the side of her bed, and, leaning over, Bee caught sight of a tangle of bright hair. It was Rosy.

Like them she detested the three great figures who had led the Parisian democracy through massacre to its triumph, Danton, Robespierre, Marat. And of the three it was Marat who worked deepest on her imagination, Marat always baying for blood, always scenting fresh victims, always corrupting opinion with his scum of printer's ink and poison.

Here the smell of the roast and broiled, mingling with every breeze, keeps them hovering about the neighborhood; scenting every blast, turning up their noses like hungry hounds, and testifying their pinching hunger by long whining howls and impatient barkings.