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He described the general staff of the French army as un tas de scélérats, and he alleged that he had been hounded down by his enemies and betrayed by those who had pretended to be his friends.

Creation-disgracing scélérats such as they, God only can mend, and the devil only can punish. The doctor yielded, Cunningham tells us, and was forgiven, but not the poet; pertinently adding, 'so much more venial is it in devout men's eyes to be guilty of heresy than of satire. Into political as well as theological matters Burns also entered with all his wonted enthusiasm.

Their defence is, that they are insulted and overpowered if they attend the popular meetings, and by electing "les gueux et les scelerats pour deputes,"* they send them to Paris, and secure their own local tranquillity. * The scrubs and scoundrels for deputies. The first of these assertions is but too true, yet I cannot but think the second a very dangerous experiment.

Gold, which was always a resource, Which brought, Jove to the enjoyment Of Danae whom he caressed; Gold, by which Caesar governed The world happy under his sway; Gold, more a divinity than Mars or Love; Wonder-working Gold introduced us That evening, within the walls of Strasburg." Ces scelerats nous epiaient, D'un oeil le passe-port lisaient, De l'autre lorgnaient notre bourse.

J'irai moi meme a la tete de cette commission. Scelerats, je serai rouler les tetes dans Nantes je regenererai Nantes." "Is it for Nantes that you petition? I'll exert my influence to have fire and sword carried into that abominable city. You are all scoundrels, counter- revolutionists, thieves, miscreants. I'll have a commission appointed by the Convention, and go myself at the head of it.

Ram's recovery, and accordingly seized the opportunity to march on with O'Leary, who turned the corner of the Rue Rivoli, under a shower of "meurtriers" and "scelerats" from the mob, that fell fortunately most unconsciously upon his ears. The possibility of figuring in such a procession contributed much to the force of Trevanion's reasonings, and I resolved to leave Paris at once.

Their defence is, that they are insulted and overpowered if they attend the popular meetings, and by electing "les gueux et les scelerats pour deputes,"* they send them to Paris, and secure their own local tranquillity. * The scrubs and scoundrels for deputies. The first of these assertions is but too true, yet I cannot but think the second a very dangerous experiment.

As to the epithets of Coquin, Scelerats, Voleurs, &c. which were now bestowed on the Assembly, they were only what the members were in the constant habit of applying to each other. The assassin of Ferraud being afterwards taken and sentenced to the Guillotine, was rescued by the mob at the place of execution, and the inhabitants of the Fauxbourg St.

"You shall see my Chateaux," he said, "my horses my carriages. Listen it is the ringing of the bells. Aha! le jour viendra le jour viendra! Conjuror! who speaks of a conjuror? I never was a conjuror! I deny it: and he lies who says it! Attendons! Is the curtain up? Ah! my table where is my table? I cannot play till I have my table. Scélérats! je suis volé! je l'ai perdu! je l'ai perdu!

Try to remember the verses I have just composed," and he sang the following to a tune in vogue: Nous sommes menes au trepas We are led to our death Par quantite de scelerats, by a gang of scoundrels c'est ce qui nous desole. that makes us sad. He is always re-elected, and unanimously. Lafayette "Memoires," I., 359, 366.