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Howard Archie was fighting his way back to town along this walk through a blinding sandstorm, a silk handkerchief tied over his mouth. He had been to see a sick woman down in the depot settlement, and he was walking because his ponies had been out for a hard drive that morning. As he passed the Catholic Church he came upon Thea and Thor.

How the Colonel had come to be reported dead it was easy enough now to surmise. Some desperate fugitive, or rambling hobo miner seeking a crosscut to the Borax Mines below, had raided his camp in his absence; and, riding off on his burro, had met his death in a sandstorm.

There was a claim discovered out here by a man named Jake Revenner, but he lost it and blew out his brains in sheer disgust. I have just stumbled across one of his monuments with his old location notices buried in a can. The late sandstorm uncovered the ledge, and it looks 'fat' enough for yours truly. Mira?" He tossed a sample to the Indian, and another of about the same size to the white man.

They did not attempt to follow the three white men in the dark, and next day the little marauding band went after their fellows and joined them on the way to the Musgrave Ranges. All except one, and we will hear more of him later. A Sandstorm By Yarloo's faithfulness and forethought the little party had escaped death at the hands of wild savages, but a more deadly peril was waiting for them.

"I am of the desert, O! my woman, of the sandstorm and the winds, the rocks, and the heat I have no desire this night for soft cushions, nor for the fragrance of the hanging curtains of your chamber. I love you, Allah, and this time I will not wait. You have played with me for many moons!

When she had obediently sat down, her knees trembling a little, Van Vreck drew up a chair for himself, and, resting his arms on the table, leaned across it gazing at the girl with a queer, humorous benevolence. "How soon do you think your husband will come?" he asked, abruptly. "I don't know," Annesley replied. "He told our Chinese boy he'd be early. I suppose the sandstorm has delayed him."

Finally Assad is banished to the desert, where he is overwhelmed by a sandstorm. 'Die Königin von Saba' is a strong and effective opera. The local colour is managed very skilfully, and the orchestration is novel and brilliant. Yet there is very little of that indefinable quality, which we call sincerity, about the score.

After all, methinks that a snowstorm cannot be more dreaded than a sandstorm, and we have faced those before now." Faster and faster the snow came down, until at last the whole air seemed full of it, and it was with difficulty that they could stagger forward.

"To go through that sandstorm without one kick one knock at my West!" "Glenn, I always think of what Flo says the worst is yet to come," replied Carley, trying to hide her unreasonable and tumultuous pleasure at words of praise from him. "Carley Burch, you don't know yourself," he declared, enigmatically. "What woman knows herself? But do you know me?"

"Impossible. They could not have traveled through that storm. But who can it be?" "What did he run like that for?" "I'm going after him to find out," declared Roy pluckily; "maybe it's somebody who has become crazed from the sandstorm." "Oh, Roy, a lunatic!" Peggy clasped her hands. But the next instant a fresh surprise greeted them.