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A woman who will tell nothing but the truth under any circumstances and will surely keep her promises is at a disadvantage when conversing with a man who surely will not tell the truth if he can help it and who regards his given word with almost equal disrespect. "I have no fear, sahiba. I am not afraid to open this door wide and make a bid for liberty.

Horses and carriages, or at least a vehicle of some kind, are indispensable, and no one who strolls around the European quarters in early morning and sees the large staff of servants lounging about the spacious verandas, awaiting the call of "Sahib" or "Mem Sahiba," can be at a loss to account for the disappointment often experienced by those who, after years of longing, at last go home to enjoy themselves in their fancied Elysium.

Ho! worthless people, fetch tobacco for the guests, and round the homestead go I! The palanquin reeled off, followed by straggling torches and a horde of dogs. Twenty villages knew the Sahiba her failings, her tongue, and her large charity. Twenty villages cheated her after immemorial custom, but no man would have stolen or robbed within her jurisdiction for any gift under heaven.

The Kabuli did not care for the plan, but Deenah repeated that he could not do this thing alone; his voice admirably gentle, as he reiterated his own helplessness. . . . Still he granted with hesitation that the Sahiba deigned to trust him to a degree. . . . At this moment the Kabuli saw Deenah's eyes forking at the treasure-pack. There was longing in them that was pain.

And if my action in helping you escape should make the Rangars turn against me and my immediate friends, I shall claim your protection. Is that agreed?" "Sahiba absolutely!" "Then let me pass!" Reluctantly he stood aside. She slipped out and let the bar down unobserved. But she had not recovered all her self-possession when she reached the courtyard.

The Kabuli replied that he was not sure that the Sahiba would go to a Mohammedan house, even with her friend the Hakima, unless Deenah could assure his mistress that the Mohammedan was well known to him and honourable, his house an abode of fellowship and peace.

"Peace! I have suffered enough " "Thou wilt suffer more, should the Rangars learn " "That is my business! Let me pass! I have bargained, and I will try to fulfil my part!" She stepped toward the door, but he held out both his arms and she saw them. She had no intention of being embraced by him, whatever their conspiracy. "Stand back!" she ordered. "Nay, nay, sahiba! Listen! Escape with me!

She snapped her fingers, and he swore beneath his breath. Then he remembered his ambition and his present need, and words raced to his aid words, plans, oaths, treachery, and all the hundred and one tricks that he was used to. He found himself consciously selecting from a dozen different plans for tricking her. "Sahiba" he spoke slowly and convincingly.

I remember the hakim was concerned for the body of Teshoo Lama. He haled it out of the holy water in his hands, and there came afterwards thy horse-seller from the North with a cot and men, and they put the body on the cot and bore it up to the Sahiba's house. 'What said the Sahiba? 'I was meditating in that body, and did not hear. So thus the Search is ended.

The British " "Are near enough, and strong enough, to strike and to bring you and your brother to your knees if you harm a British woman!" she retorted. "You forget when the British Government gives leave to missionaries to go into a native state, it backs them up with a strong arm!" "You build too much on the British and my brother, sahiba! Listen Howrah is as strong as I am, and no stronger.