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Everything was done up carefully and put away for safekeeping, as became a house that is to be long untenanted. The mother instinct to keep a nest snug and cozy gave her a tiny pang over the abandoned home. The dust of many months would gather on the empty chairs and shelves. Still it was only a passing absence. They would come back, with treasure wrested from the strong box of the wild.

"For having set in the Hotel des Tournelles six panes of white glass in the place where the iron cage is, thirteen sols; for having made and delivered by command of the king, on the day of the musters, four shields with the escutcheons of the said seigneur, encircled with garlands of roses all about, six livres; for two new sleeves to the king's old doublet, twenty sols; for a box of grease to grease the boots of the king, fifteen deniers; a stable newly made to lodge the king's black pigs, thirty livres parisis; many partitions, planks, and trap-doors, for the safekeeping of the lions at Saint-Paul, twenty-two livres."

Looking back, Stillman marveled at the indiscretion he had committed when he handed over not only his reserve, but Claire Robson's reputation into the safekeeping of Lily Condor. Had he ever had the simplicity to imagine that a woman of Mrs. Condor's stamp would constitute herself a safe-deposit vault for hoarding secrets without exacting a price?

His guards were opening the cell door when a second shock was felt and he was thrust into safekeeping with no ceremony. He half crouched against the questionable security of the wall, waiting through two more twisting earth waves, both of which were accompanied or preceded by dull sounds. Bombing! That last wrench was really bad.

And when that did Drew's hand assured him that the General's red handkerchief was still inside against his ribs where he had put it for safekeeping. In the early morning Drew slipped down to the river's edge behind a screen of willow to dip the cold water over his head and shoulders an effective way to clear the head and banish the last trace of sleep.

A child of fifteen or sixteen, whose diamond soul has been cleansed from mud and filth, who is still conscious of God, and capable of pure delights, whose tender loving heart, perhaps, is in the safekeeping of some honest, romantic youth what a fine thing to root her up unmercifully, to tear off her budding leaves one by one, hurl her back again into the mire from which she has been plucked, and make her acquainted with that new, that withering, consuming fire of infernal passion begotten among the souls of the nether world!

Once it's balanced, we will start paying off the national debt. And there's something more, and there's something more we owe the generations of the future: stewardship, the safekeeping of America's precious environmental inheritance. As just one sign of how serious we are, we will elevate the Environmental Protection Agency to Cabinet rank.

The servants are dismantling the house today, putting all the art treasures in safety tapestries, silver, portraits, paintings, rugs, fine china, furniture, dresses, furs, books, linen in fact everything of value. All this is to be taken off for safekeeping and sealed up, maybe, in the crystal caves of the river nymph, Aréthusa.

Now, upon how many heads had the presidency, the chancellorship, the mastership passed since Robert d'Estouteville had held the provostship of Paris. It had been "granted to him for safekeeping," as the letters patent said; and certainly he kept it well.

But stay, Little John, here are two bags that I would have thee carry in thy pouch for the sake of safekeeping. I can ill care for them myself beneath this motley." "Why, master," quoth Little John, taking the bags and weighing them in his hand, "here is the chink of gold." "Well, what an there be," said Robin, "it is mine own coin and the band is none the worse for what is there.