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The cattle who foraged through the straw stack in the field near by always made the mistake of thinking that they were included in the invitation, much to the disgust of Peter Rockett, the chore boy, who drove them back with appropriate remarks. Inside of the Stopping-House the long dining-room, called "the room," was a scene of great activity.

"Of course it was my Slummer that got me the job. Women have been raving about that girl's head; and it isn't bad, though I say it. I had to take a studio at a couple of days' notice couldn't ask Lady Rockett to come and sit at that place of mine in Battersea; a shabby hole.

I entreat you not to send them away. We shall all be so grateful to your ladyship if you will overlook 'That will do, said Lady Shale decisively. 'I will merely say that the sooner you leave the lodge the better; and that you will do well never again to pass the gates of the Hall. You may go. Miss Rockett withdrew. Outside, the footman was awaiting her.

A day or two later Betsy wrote to her the happy news that the sentence of expulsion was withdrawn, and peace reigned once more in the ivy-covered lodge. By that time Miss Rockett had all but recovered her self-respect, and was so busy in her secretaryship that she could only scribble a line of congratulation.

Miss Rockett looked round, and saw Hilda Shale slowly wheeling forward, in expectation that way would be made for her. Deliberately May passed through the side entrance, and let the little gate fall to. 'Didn't you hear me ask you to open? 'I couldn't imagine you were speaking to me, answered Miss Rockett, with brisk dignity. 'I supposed some servant of yours was in sight.

Cutts, arter finishing 'is beer, took another look at Bob Pretty, and went off boiling a'most. The trouble he took to catch Bob Pretty arter that you wouldn't believe, and all the time the game seemed to be simply melting away, and Squire Rockett was finding fault with 'im all day long. He was worn to a shadder a'most with watching, and Bob Pretty seemed to be more prosperous than ever.

'I'm afraid I must, Miss Rockett replied, bracing herself under the converging eyes and feeling not quite equal to the occasion. 'My time is so short, and there are so many people I wish to see. As she left the house, anger burned in her. It was certain that Hilda Shale would make known her circumstances.

All her movements suggested vigour; she shook hands with a downward jerk, moved about the room with something of a stride and, in sitting down, crossed her legs abruptly. From the first her look had turned with surprise to Miss Rockett.

In the beginning Rockett was head gardener; his wife, the daughter of a shopkeeper, had never known domestic service, and performed her duties at the Hall gates with a certain modest dignity not displeasing to the stately persons upon whom she depended. During the lifetime of Sir Henry the best possible understanding existed between Hall and lodge.

A little anger now and then is excellent for the health. And Miss Rockett sipped her lemon-tinctured tea with a smile of ineffable contempt. The others went to bed at ten o'clock, but May, having made herself at ease in the sitting-room, sat there reading until after twelve.