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Updated: August 8, 2024

The air is so pure and clean surely we are over the sea?" "We are some fifteen thousand feet above the Mediterranean" answered Rivardi, looking at her as he spoke with unconcealed admiration; never, he thought, had she seemed so charming, youthful and entirely lovable "I am glad you have rested you look quite refreshed and radiant.

She entrusted the dispatch of this message to Rivardi, saying "It is now time for further aid than mine. The girl will recover but the man the man is still in the darkness!" And her eyes grew heavy with a cloud of sorrow and regret which softened her delicate beauty and made it more than ever unearthly. "What are they what is HE to you?" demanded Rivardi jealously.

Meanwhile the lantern-gleam in the sky broadened and the web of mist which veiled the sea began to lift and Giulio Rivardi, pacing to and fro, halted every now and then to look in the direction of a path winding downward from the mainland to the shore, in watchful expectation of seeing an elfin figure, more spiritlike than mortal, floating towards him through the dividing vapours of the morning.

"Nothing of the kind" retorted Rivardi; vexed beyond all reason at the priest's tranquil air of good-humored tolerance "But she insists on steering the air-ship herself! She took my place to-day." "Well?" "Well! You think that nothing? I tell you it is very serious very foolhardy. She knows nothing of aerial navigation " "Was her steering faulty?" Rivardi hesitated.

And Gaspard gave an eloquent gesture "This lady we both work for seems to have no lovers but if she had, not one of them could ever forget her!" Rivardi was silent. "I should not wonder," ventured Gaspard, presently "if while we slept she had seen her 'Brazen City'!" Rivardi uttered something like an oath. "Impossible!" he exclaimed "She would have awakened us!"

A smile sweet as sunshine after storm changed and softened Morgana's features as she saw Rivardi swing over the vessel's side to the pool below, while Gaspard unwound the gear by which he would be able to lift and support the drowned creatures he was bidden to bring. "That's a true noble!" she exclaimed "I knew your courage would not fail! Believe me, no harm shall come to you!"

If she has made up her mind, heaven itself will not move her! It will be a sublime sacrifice of one life for another, what would you? Such sacrifices are common, though the world does not hear of them. In this instance there is no one to prevent it." "You approve you tolerate it?" exclaimed Rivardi angrily.

"See! here he comes, with the sulky air of a naughty boy!" this, as Rivardi slowly mounted the terrace steps and approached "I'm off to dress for dinner come, 'Duchess! We'll leave the men to themselves!" She slipped her arm through Lady Kingswood's and hurried her away. Don Aloysius was puzzled by her words, and, as Rivardi came up to him raised his eyebrows interrogatively.

As for our obedience ECCELLENZA, we are both royally paid to obey!" Rivardi flushed red. "I know!" he said, curtly "I never forget it. But money is not everything." Gaspard's mobile French face lit up with a mirthful smile. "It is most things!" he replied "Without it even science is crippled. And this lady has so much of it! it seems without end!

That is the difficulty with the little millionairess Royal. She is not capable!" He uttered the last words slowly and with emphasis. Rivardi gave him a quick searching glance. "You seem to know that as a certainty" he said, "How and why do you know it?" Aloysius raised his eyes and looked straight ahead of him with a curious, far-off, yet searching intensity.

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