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The girl was as silent as himself. She had not uttered a cry during the time of greatest risk, though once she laid a hand upon his arm. Franklin was humiliated and ashamed, as a man always is over an accident. "Oh, it's no good saying I'm sorry," he broke out at last. "It was my fault, letting you ride behind that brute. Thank God, you're not hurt! And I'm only too glad it wasn't worse.

The four hearse-horses, especially, reared and pranced, and showed their highest action, as if they knew a man was dead, and triumphed in it. 'They break us, drive us, ride us; ill-treat, abuse, and maim us for their pleasure But they die; Hurrah, they die!

We have a horse and pillion here in the wood in readiness for you, and I should advise you to ride at once with your wife for Sluys or some other seaport, and thence take ship either into Holland or to England. Your lives will assuredly be forfeited if you remain here." "But who are you, sir, who has done us this great service?"

Do you mean to say that these fellows trudge eight miles to work every morning and back again at noon?" "Certainly not, sir. They ride their thoroughbred horses to work and ride them back again. It's much better than omnibuses or horse cars, I'd say, sir as I remember them." "You take my breath away," said the other, lapsing into a stunned silence.

"My dear Helen," said the old lady, when she presented them to her, "I have brought you this side-saddle, in hopes that it may induce you to conquer your fears of mounting a horse. I am very anxious, considering the part of the world in which you live, that you should learn to ride well; as it may be of essential consequences to you through life.

"I bet you I'll ride her into the Roost, Captain," cried The Kiddie. "Done, for the drinks!" replied the Captain. The boy cantered his mare across the street. "Out of the way there!" he cried. "Out of the way, you fellows! I'm coming!" As he spoke he put the little mare straight at the flight of steps leading up to the door of the Roost.

"Art less of a dullard than I thought thee," said the stranger, taking back his cap, "though, mark me boy, 'tis another matter to ride against a man fully armed and equipped, lance to lance and shield to shield, than to charge a harmless, ancient leathern cap. Still, art less of a dullard than I thought thee. But there is the sword, now with the sword thou art indeed but a sorry fool!

It's becoming, and it looks festive and spring-like. 'Oh, Anne! Why, it's ever so much too smart! It would be quite ridiculous. Just like you, advising pale mauve crepe de Chine and Irish lace for a quiet visit in the afternoon from a friend! 'Oh! all right. Then wear your blue tailor-made dress and the little boots with the cloth tops. 'Oh, good heavens, Anne! I'm not going for a bicycle ride.

This force, however, was cavalry only in name; and General Lee, speaking afterward of General Sheridan, said that his victories were won "when we had no horses for our cavalry, and no men to ride the few broken-down steeds that we could muster."

"We'll ride over to the house," said he. Pete estimated that they had covered three or four miles before the ranch-buildings came in sight a dim huddle of angles against the starlit sky.