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"Because there would be no returns," laughed Ian, and then Conall laughed also, and wished that Boris had been there to learn whatever Ian might teach him. "Hast thou speculated in railway stock yet," he asked. "No, sir. I have not had the money to do so." "How would thou buy if thou had?" "I would buy when no one else was buying, and when everyone else was buying, I would keep cool, and sell.

When a drought seriously diminished the returns in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan in 1895, the importation from States farther west prevented any rise in price. Prices dropped, but the interest on mortgages remained the same.

I hope you’re comfortable.’ To which the gentleman replies, ‘Oh yes, he’s quite comfortable quite.’ ‘There are not many married men, I hope,’ returns the lady, ‘who seek comfort in such selfish gratifications as you do.’ ‘Nor many wives who seek comfort in such selfish gratifications as you do, I hope,’ retorts the gentleman. ‘Whose fault is that?’ demands the lady.

Woodcourt who could occasionally divert his attention for a few hours at a time and rouse him, even when he sunk into a lethargy of mind and body that alarmed us greatly, and the returns of which became more frequent as the months went on. My dear girl was right in saying that he only pursued his errors the more desperately for her sake.

A withering smile of scorn and bitterness distorted his Apollo-like features, and he pushed her from him, saying, in the deep, concentrated tone of intense disappointment: "I might have known it. I might have expected it; for Fate has always decreed me just such returns." Leaning against the sculptured Niobe, which stood near, Beulah exclaimed, in a voice of great anguish: "Oh, Dr.

Happily the lungs are the inexhaustible chest to which he always returns to renew his right of authority; that is, his power of preserving life. When it comes to the last sigh, the last effort of the diaphragm by which the chest is closed forever, we must bid adieu to life. In yielding up that, we have in very truth yielded up the ghost.

"May I wish you many, very many, happy returns of the day? and" with a little hesitation "may I also offer you a present, a very worthless one I fear?" "How can I " stammered Angela, when he cut her short. "Don't be afraid; it is nothing tangible, though it is something that you may not think worth accepting." "What do you mean?" she said bluntly, for her interest was aroused. "Don't be angry.

XXXI. This paradox of the Stoic philosophy, that he returns a benefit who receives it with good will, is, in my opinion, either far from admirable, or else it is incredible.

Keese tells us: "The inspiring beauty of its commanding views caught Cooper's fancy for buying it far more than any meager money returns its two hundred acres could promise." After ten years of devoted care the author is on record as saying with some humor: "for this year the farm would actually pay expenses."

Saving anything out of their meager stipend of four hundred dollars per year would have been out of the question, even if the sum had been paid in money, in full, and regularly, none of which desirable conditions seems to have been met; while as to hoarding from the proceeds of the industries carried on at the Missions, although the returns must have been large, the expense of caring for a family of a thousand or so Indians must have been proportionately heavy.