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The "boys" were delighted at this encounter, and utterly forgetful of the pacific occasion on which they had assembled, began to pit them against each other with great glee. "That's a hard hit, Misther Costigan; but you won't let it pass, any how." "The ague an' you are ould acquaintances," retorted Costigan; "whenever a skrimmage takes place, you're sure to resave a visit from it."

"Be guided by her, Peter, if you're wise, she's a wife you ought to be proud of." "Thrue for you, sir; divil resave the word o' lie in that, any how. Come, Ellish; come, you deludher, I'm wid you." "God bless your honor, sir, an' we're ob'laged to you for you kindness an' patience wid the likes o' us." "I say ditto, your honor. Long life an' glory to you every day your honor rises!"

"Faix, your honor, it's jist what I'd expect from your father's son kindness, an' dacency, an' devotion, wor always among yez. Divil resave the family in all Europe I'd do so much for as the same family:" The gentleman and lady looked at each other, and smiled. They knew that Peter's blarney was no omen of their success in the laudable design they contemplated.

Did you never hear of the ould proverb, sir not to throw out the dirty water till you get in the clane I'm not sure that I have a sufficient grip of the new light yet," said Darby, falling unconsciously into his usual style of conversation, "but, I hope that by next Sunday, I'll be able to shine; an', be me sowl, if I don't, sir, it'll be none o' my fawt divil resave the purtier convert in Europe than I'll make when I come to know a little about it."

"I really cannot say, Cannie; Dr. Turbot and I were walking in the garden, when some damnable villain discharged a pistol from the gate here, and the bullet of it whistled right between us both." "Whistled, did it! hell resave it for one bullet, it was fond of mirth it was; and you can't say which o' you it was whistling for?" "No, how could I? it was equally near us both."

"Faix thin, sir, he had no business, wid your honor's livery upon his back, to begin lecthurin' me again dhrinkin', as he did. We may all do very well, sir, till the timptation crasses us but that's what thries us. It thried him, but he didn't stand it faix he didn't! ha, ha, ha! Good-mornin', sir God bless you, Ma'am! Divil resave the family in all Europe" "Good-morning, Connell good-morning!

Boys," he shrieked, "come here; come here, Biddy Nulty, come her; Connor's not to die; he won't suffer he won't suffer!" He was rushing wildly to the door, but Honor placed herself before him, and said, in that voice of calmness which is uniformly that of authority and power: "Fardorougha, dear, calm yourself. If this is God's work, as you say, why not resave it as comm' from God?

"In trath, an' iv I had yez on the sod, at the owld Cove o' Cark beyant, I cud show yez as much av it as 'ud contint ye for yer lives. Arrah, now, keep aff me! Be the powers, ye're trampin' the toes aff me feet! Ach! don't rug me! Holy Mother! will yez let me alone? Divil resave ye for a set of "

"Why, thin, long life, an' glory, an' benedication to your honor! Faith, it's only kind father for you, sir, to be what you are. The divil resave the family in all Europe" "Peter, that will do," replied the landlord, "it would be rather hazardous for our family to compete with all Europe.

What right has he, one of our own purswadjion as he is to hould out against us the way he does? Sure he's as rich as a Sassenach, an' may hell resave the farden he'll subscribe towards our gettin' arms or ammunition, or towards defindin' us when we're brought to thrial. So hell's delight wid the dirty Bodagh, says myself for wan."