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This done, they earnestly eyed Yoomy; who, after much pondering, said "I speak for Hautia; who by these berries says, I will enlighten you." "Oh, give me then that light! say, where is Yillah?" and I rushed upon the heralds. But eluding me, they looked reproachfully at Yoomy; and seemed offended. "Then, I am wrong," said Yoomy.

She looked sadly and half reproachfully at him; then put her white hand calmly over the wooden partition, and made him read with her out of her book. She shared her hymn-book with him, too, and sang her Maker's praise modestly and soberly, but earnestly, and quite undisturbed by her lover's presence.

I drew my arm familiarly through that of a reluctant curate, and walked him smartly up and down, discussing volubly the merits of my nose in tones which suggested that I had no roof to my mouth, Did a lady protest that she had already contributed, I repeated "Oh, madam!" reproachfully and crescendo till the hush-money was paid, while in front of those who affected not to see my out-stretched hand, I stood as if rooted to the spot.

"How!" said the Beggar reproachfully, "thou wouldst surely not talk of things appertaining to serious affairs upon such ale as this!" "Nay," quoth Robin, laughing. "I would not check thy thirst, sweet friend; drink while I talk to thee. Thus it is: I would have thee know that I have taken a liking to thy craft and would fain have a taste of a beggar's life mine own self."

And Polly eyed the new boots reproachfully, as they stood in the first position as if ready for the party. "They are lovely; but I don't believe they will feel good, for I shall be thinking about my lost presents all the time," sighed Polly, pushing the enticing boots out of sight.

However, her attitude of coldness had long outlived the coldness itself, and she could no longer utter feigned words of indifference. 'Ah, you weren't kind to keep me waiting in the cold, and break your promise, she said at last reproachfully, in tones too low for her father's powers of hearing. 'Forgive, forgive me! said Stephen with dismay. 'I had forgotten quite forgotten!

Gordon and Grace, she was alarmed to see how coldly and reproachfully they looked upon her. "I have heard a very bad story about you, Katy," said Mrs. Gordon. "About me?" gasped she. "Yes; and I was very sorry to hear it." "What was it, ma'am? I hope I haven't done anything to lose your good will." "I am afraid you have." "I don't believe she did it, mother," said Grace.

The widow, with her marked and startling face and downcast eyes; Mr Haredale stern and despondent ever; his niece beside him, like, yet most unlike, the picture of her father, which gazed reproachfully down upon them from the blackened wall; Barnaby, with his vacant look and restless eye; were all in keeping with the place, and actors in the legend.

John listened to her in silence and then resumed his promenade with his hands behind his back snorting furiously. Suddenly he snatched up his cap and rushed out. "John, John, what are you going to do?" the old man called after him in a supplicating voice. "You'll very soon see, I'll warrant you," and he banged the door behind him. The old man turned reproachfully towards Madame Langai.

"I was not thinking of you," she told him reproachfully. "I am sorry, Julien. I should not have said that." "It was the truth," he confessed, "absolutely the truth. Still, I have never blamed Mrs. Carraby for my disasters. It was my own asinine simplicity. Tell me, when shall I see you again? I think I ought to leave you here." She laughed. "You want to know about my interview with mother?