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The air was still heavy with the odor of gasoline but Jack deemed it safe to operate the engine, since the windows were to be left open giving a plentiful supply of air, thus preventing danger of an explosion. Tom was about to replace the hood over the engines after they had been started when his eye caught sight of a piece of paper lying on the floor.

All his white men, however, fell ill, and as there was no one to nurse them but himself, he would not replace them. Meanwhile the natives had learned to trust him, and under his rule things were looking more prosperous.

Whistling tree toads replace the constant whir of buses and taxicabs. Most of us cannot be so extravagant. We are fortunate to have one home, either in the city or the country. Renting or buying it entails sacrifices, and maintaining it has its unexpected expenses that always come at the wrong time.

"I hope it will. That's what I intend to find out." "How does it work?" Phyl asked, fascinated. Tom explained, "Actually its function is to replace the carbon dioxide that I exhale with fresh oxygen drawn from the water. Otherwise, although the carbon dioxide I'd breathe out would be a very small amount at a time, it soon would make the air unfit.

Charles would have given her a sword to replace the probably indifferent weapon given her by Baudricourt at Vaucouleurs; but Jeanne knew where to find the sword destined for her. She gave orders that someone should be sent to Fierbois, the village at which she had paused on her way to Chinon, to fetch a sword which would be found there buried behind the high altar of the church of St. Catherine.

Such stairs are common in old houses far commoner than people in towns have a notion of. But there would not have been much of it left by this time, if we hadn't taken care of it. We were little fellows when we began, and it needed much contrivance, for we were not able to unseat the remnants of the broken steps, and replace them with new ones." "Do show it us," begged Christina.

"That's why the New Day has twenty-two hundred paying subscribers. That's why we grow faster than the employers can weed our men out and replace them with immigrants and force them to go to other towns for work." "Well, anyhow," said the girl, "no matter what happens we can't be weeded out." Victor shook his head. "Our danger period has just begun," he replied. "The bosses realize our power.

He pulled forward the apparatus, and with some violence sought for a means of stopping its action. Something snapped. A violet spark stung and convulsed his arm and the thing was still. When he attempted next day to replace these Tannhauser cylinders by another pair, he found the apparatus broken....

'I will confer the greatest honor in my power, said I: 'I will dislodge the Emperor from my own finger and replace him upon yours. Here I offer you the head of Aurelian cut, not indeed by the cunning tool of Demetrius of Rome, but doubtless by some competent artist. Is it not a fair offer, Gracchus?

This precious document was signed on September 28, 1499 just twelve months after the agreement which it was intended to replace; and the Admiral, sailing dismally back to San Domingo, ruefully pondered on the fruits of a year's delay.