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Un homme se plaignoit que la maison de son voisin lui otoit la vue d'une de ses fenetres; un autre lui dit, "Vous avez un remede; faites murer cette fenetre."

And all the Muses together with sweet voice in antiphonal chant replying, sing of the imperishable gifts of the Gods, and the sufferings of men, all that they endure from the hands of the undying Gods, lives witless and helpless, men unavailing to find remede for death or buckler against old age.

And in my master's hands I laid my newly gotten gear, and heard privily from him that, with his goodwill, I and his daughter might wed so soon as she would. "For she is pining with grief, and prayer, and fasting, and marriage is the best remede for such maladies."

"But what remede, my lord?" asked the glover. "We must all take our share of the risk. Come, get you and your daughter presently to horse. You shall ride with me, and we'll see who dare gloom at you.

A prettily got-up box containing red and white paint, and two sticks of black and blue cosmetic for the eyebrows and veins, with camel's hair pencils for applying the latter. Sells in St. Petersburg at 6s. 4d. Philidore. Remede Specifique pour oter les Pellicules de la tete, etc.

I listened, and, from her breathing, I believe that she slept, as extreme labour and weariness and sorrow do sometimes bring their own remede. Then a thought came into my mind, how I should best awake her, and stooping, I said in her ear "Fille De!" Instantly she turned about, and, sitting up, folded her hands as one in prayer, deeming, belike, that she was aroused by the voices of her Saints.

"Quand on perd, par triste occurrence, Son esperance Et sa gaité, Le remède au mélancolique C'est la musique Et la beauté. Plus oblige et peut davantage Un beau visage Qu'un homme armé, Et rien n'est meilleur que d'entendre Air doux et tendre Jadis aimé!" It haunted him after he had gone to rest, and for once he did not mind wakefulness. A week passed.

But reading soon grew a weariness to me, as my life was, and my master coming home, bade me be of better cheer. "By St. Andrew," quoth he, "this is no new malady of thine, but well known to leeches from of old, and never yet was it mortal! Remede there is none, save to make ballades and rondels, and forget sorrow in hunting rhymes, if thou art a maker. Thou art none?

David. "When Alysander, our king, was dead, That Scotland led in love and lee, Away was sons of ale and bread, Of wine and wax, of game and glee; Our gold was changed into lead. Christ, born in to virginity, Succour Scotland, and remede That stead is in perplexity."

I have hungered many times on weary marches, but yon was the most cruel hunger of my life. And though the pain of the starving could be dulled a little by draughts of water from the wayside springs, what there was no remede for was the weakness that turned the flesh in every part of me to a nerveless pulp. I went down Nevis Glen a man in a delirium.