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He then laid down the paper on the pulpit, and lifting his hands and raising his eyes, cried with a vehement sadness of voice, "Lord God of the pure heavens, and all ye of the earth that hear me, I protest, as a minister of the gospel, my abhorrence and detestation of this hideous and adulterous sin; and I call all the nobility and all of the Queen's council to remonstrate with her Majesty against a step that must cover her with infamy for ever and ruin past all remede."

Your Majesty's presence at these debates is an impossibility; and I regard such scenes as we have lately witnessed in the Reichstag regrettable enough as a standard of our morals and our political education, perhaps also our political qualifications, but not as a misfortune in themselves: l'excès du mal en devient le remède.

If a man wishes to go over to the enemy, then let him do it le remède sera pire que le mal but to be for ever dallying with the idea of treachery and adopting the pose without carrying it out in reality this I cannot regard as prudent policy. I believe we could arrive at a tolerable peace of understanding; we should lose something to Italy, and should, of course, gain nothing in exchange.

"If they had kept a stricter eye on her from the first when they had her they might have saved themselves all this." "Stricter eye!" said the Cornal. "You ken as much about women as I ken about cattle. The veins of her body were full of caprice, that's what ailed her, and for that is there any remede? I'm asking you. As if I did not ken the mother of her! Man, man, man!

C'est par la qu'elle perira, parce que le mal est sans remede et s'aggrave chaque jour. Loi generale d'ailleurs. C'est par les finances que perissent les gouvernements definitivement condamnes: temoin l'ancien regime. Cette mort-la est sans resurrection. Le caractere nouveau de la periode electorale qui s'est ouverte pratiquement depuis quelques mois est le reveil des Conservateurs.