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Updated: August 15, 2024

There was a pause. Everyone was afraid to speak. 'What are we to do about Rekh-mara? said Robert suddenly and abruptly. 'Shall he go back through the Amulet to his own time, or 'No one can pass through the Amulet now, said the beautiful, terrible voice, 'to any land or any time. Only when it was imperfect could such things be.

'A stands for Amen, whispered Jane; 'what he was a priest of. 'Hush! breathed Anthea. The great double arch glowed in and through the green light that had been there since the Name of Power had first been spoken it glowed with a light more bright yet more soft than the other light a glory and splendour and sweetness unspeakable. 'Come! cried Rekh-mara, holding out his hands.

Rekh-mara seemed very much annoyed at the notice he was exciting. 'Come out of this crowd, he whispered to Robert. 'I must talk with you apart. 'Oh, no, Jane whispered. 'I did so want to see the Mascot Moth, and the Ventriloquist. 'How did you get here? was Robert's return whisper. 'How did you get to Egypt and to Tyre? retorted Rekh-mara. 'Come, let us leave this crowd.

'It'll give the learned gentleman fits, I expect, said Robert, 'when he sees it. But it didn't. 'The dream is growing more and more wonderful, he exclaimed, when the Psammead had been explained to him by Rekh-mara. 'I have dreamed this beast before. 'Now, said Robert, 'Jane has got the half Amulet and I've got the whole. Show up, Jane.

They stopped the cab a few doors from home, and then the girls went in and engaged old Nurse's attention by an account of the conjuring and a fervent entreaty for dripping-toast with their tea, leaving the front door open so that while Nurse was talking to them the boys could creep quietly in with Rekh-mara and smuggle him, unseen, up the stairs into their bedroom.

'Come! cried the learned gentleman, and he also held out his hands. Each moved forward under the glowing, glorious arch of the perfect Amulet. Then Rekh-mara quavered and shook, and as steel is drawn to a magnet he was drawn, under the arch of magic, nearer and nearer to the learned gentleman.

It was Rekh-mara, the priest who had led them to the palace of Pharaoh and whom Jane had looked back at through the arch, when he was counselling Pharaoh's guard to take the jewels and fly for his life. Nobody was quite pleased, and nobody quite knew why.

And, as one drop of water mingles with another, when the window-glass is rain-wrinkled, as one quick-silver bead is drawn to another quick-silver bead, Rekh-mara, Divine Father of the Temple of Amen-Ra, was drawn into, slipped into, disappeared into, and was one with Jimmy, the good, the beloved, the learned gentleman. And suddenly it was good daylight and the December sun shone.

So Rekh-mara was taken up to the box-room and made as comfortable as possible in a snug nook between an old nursery fender and the wreck of a big four-poster. They gave him a big rag-bag to sit on, and an old, moth-eaten fur coat off the nail on the door to keep him warm. And when they had had their own tea they took him some.

And when Cyril took the candle from his pocket and lighted it with the match, and then held the burning candle up before the King the enthusiasm knew no bounds. 'Oh, greatest of all, before whom sun and moon and stars bow down, said Rekh-mara insinuatingly, 'am I pardoned? Is my innocence made plain? 'As plain as it ever will be, I daresay, said Pharaoh shortly. 'Get along with you.

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