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Bernard were mistaken in stating that the great firing and retreat of soldiers was the result of the Virginian's charge, whereas at this time Mahone's Brigade was at the Jerusalem plank road. Moreover, when Mahone did come up his eight hundred men could not create one-fourth of the reverberation of the Seventeenth Regiment, Ransom's Brigade, and the thousands of the enemy.

At 8.10 A.M. Ferrero's four thousand three hundred negroes rushed over and reached the right flank of the Seventeenth. This horde of barbarians added greatly to the thousands of white men that packed themselves to the safe side of the breastworks. Thousands rushed down the hill side. Ransom's Twenty-sixth and Twenty-fifth Regiments were crazy to get hold of the negroes.

The deepest feeling in Ransom's bosom in relation to her was the conviction that she was made for love, as he had said to himself while he listened to her at Mrs. Burrage's. The reader may imagine whether such an impression as this made it any more agreeable to Basil to have to believe it would be indelicate in him to try to woo her.

The following prices prevailed: Bacon, $10 lb.; pork and beef, $5 lb.; peas, $1 qt.; corn meal, $1.25 qt.; rice, $1 lb.; salt, $1; sweet potatoes, medium, $1 each, and everything else in proportion. On the 15th of January, 1865, I was detailed to report to General Ransom's headquarters for special duty, and met a force of several others from brigade. We were taken in command by Lieut.

"Oh, where's my spoon?" cried Daisy. "Has papa got it?" "Here is Ransom's present," said her aunt, handing the note. "Nobody knows what it is. Are we to know?" Daisy opened and read, read over again, looked very grave, and finally folded the note up in silence. "What is it?" said her aunt. Daisy hesitated, wishing, but in doubt if she would be permitted to keep it to herself.

Toward evening, however, it became evident that something was on foot; and Ransom's brigade, and the 8th N.C. was drawn up in the woods facing the works on the Washington, Lee's Mill and Bath roads.

It was not that her aspect was funereal; but it contained, somehow, an announcement that she had, for the present, no more thought to give to casting a line. Miss Birdseye had quietly passed away, in the evening, an hour or two after Ransom's visit. They had wheeled her chair into the house; there had been nothing to do but wait for complete extinction.

Forgive Ransom out and out? say nothing about it? not tell her father, nor make her grievance at all known to Ransom's discomfiture? Daisy did not want to yield. He deserved to be reproved and ashamed and made to do better.

He was so pleased himself, and so safe in his conviction, that it didn't matter to him what any one else thought; which was, after all, just Basil Ransom's own state of mind. "Oh! I didn't say I wasn't moved," the Mississippian remarked. "Moved the wrong way!" said Verena. "Never mind; you'll be left behind." "If I am, you will come back to console me." "Back?

And Ransom's new acquaintance entered into his humour. "I guess Miss Chancellor isn't her nigger." "She has sent her father, or perhaps even her mother. They are in there too." "How do you know that?" asked the policeman consideringly. "Oh, I know everything," Ransom answered, smiling. "Well, I guess they didn't come here to listen to that organ.