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If it had been written by a Mississippian he would have known that the statement in regard to the ownership of the negroes was totally untrue.

"Take it or leave it," retorted Bud. The Mississippian leaned with his hands on the desk. "Well, Haines, if you're like the rest and are really interested in Altacoola, I don't know that you'd have to go very far to talk." "You know something of Altacoola lands, then, Norton?" said Robert, tingling with suppressed excitement. He felt that he was getting close to real facts in a colossal "deal."

"Well, thank you I would rather wait until to-morrow. I am anxious to get home early this afternoon." On reaching his cot the next day, I saw Ashton was calm, but very pale. I said: "Do not exert yourself this morning. I can wait." "No; sit nearer and I will tell you all." I give it to you, dear reader, as he gave it to me: "I told you I was by birth a Mississippian.

He once said to me in one of the querulous moods that sometimes overcame him: "If I should live a hundred years my enemies would still call me a Dutchman!" It was Schurz, as I have said, who brought Lamar and me together. The Mississippian had been a Secession Member of Congress when I was a Unionist scribe in the reporters' gallery.

To conduct him on this perilous service I sent along a thin, sallow, tawny-haired Mississippian named Beene, whom I had employed as a guide and scout a few days before, on account of his intimate knowledge of the roads, from the public thoroughfares down to the insignificant by-paths of the neighboring swamps.

The Mississippian drew himself up with all the dignity common to the old Confederate soldier explaining the war. "The South was never whipped, sir. We honorably surrendered, sir. We surrendered to save the country, sir, but we were never whipped." "Did you not run at Kenyon Hill?" taunted Stoneman. Langdon brought down his fist in the palm of the other hand violently. "Yes, sir; we ran at you.

Cullen responded to the Senator's cheery greeting of "Mornin', everybody!" "Senator," he asked, "my paper wants your opinion on the question of the election of Senators by popular vote. Do you think the system of electing Senators by vote of State Legislatures should be abolished?" The Mississippian cocked his head to one side.

The Mississippian next pulled off his coat and pretending to yawn and stretch, lifted his arms just so that the junction of his arm with his shoulder was on a direct line with his visitor's nose. Belton's room-mate made a slight grimace, but kept on reading. The Mississippian was dumbfounded.

Pardon turned, pressingly, from Ransom to the policeman and back again, and in his preoccupation gave no sign of having met the Mississippian before. "I guess she's sick," said the policeman. "The public'll be sick!" cried the distressed reporter. "If she's sick, why doesn't she send for a doctor? All Boston is packed into this house, and she has got to talk to it. I want to go in and see."

She had erected it into a sort of rule of conduct that whenever she saw a risk she was to take it; and she had frequent humiliations at finding herself safe after all. He had now come, in redemption of his grateful vow, and even this did not make Miss Chancellor feel that she had courted danger. He was too simple too Mississippian for that; she was almost disappointed.

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