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Updated: August 25, 2024

There is there, neither prayer, nor sign of repentance for sin; yea, the brute in his kind serves God far better than he. Thus say the common people that know him, A saint abroad, and a devil at home. His poor family finds it so, he is such a churl, such a railer at, and so unreasonable with his servants, that they neither know how to do for, or speak to him.

Some day I'll make him give it back, or send him to jail, where he ought to be now." Schoolboy though the railer was, Boone staggered against the hedge, the words brought a dreadful flush and then a livid pallor to the miserable parent's cheek. He dared not trust himself to speak then.

The morning was wet and gloomy; it was that drizzling and misty rain which is so especially nutritious to the growth of blue devils, and the jolly squire failed not to rally his young friend upon his feminine susceptibility to the influences of the weather. Clifford replied jestingly; and the jest, if bad, was good enough to content the railer.

"With old Sir Mungo Malagrowther," said the oracular dame, "he was trimmed in my Benjamin's shop in his way to the city." "Pshaw! the frightful old mouldy skeleton!" said the damsel. "Indeed you say true, my dear," replied the confidant, "it is a shame to him to be out of Saint Pancras's charnel-house, for I know no other place he is fit for, the foul-mouthed old railer. He said to my husband "

I was one day going up the street of Ryde with Harry, when we saw a crowd of women and children and a few men and boys standing round the model of a full-rigged ship, and we heard a loud voice singing out "Cease, rude Boreas, stormy railer; List, ye landsmen all, to me; Messmates, hear a brother sailor Sing the dangers of the sea."

They forget that it is as dangerous to praise ignorantly as to blame unjustly, and that the railer at genius, though he may seem more malevolent, will scarce appear so ridiculous to posterity as the dupe of the mountebank.

"Fam'ly pets, then, has a right to do as it is their nature for to do?" squealed Todd, working nearer. Mr. Bickford scornfully turned his back on this vulgar railer. The carriage was at hand. "How about pets known as medder hummin'-birds?" demanded Todd. The Cap'n was the first in. Hiram came next, kicking out at the amiable Hector, who would have preceded him.

"As for me, in all weathers, all times, tides, and ends, Naught's a trouble from duty that springs; For my heart is my Poll's, and my rhino's my friends, And as for my life, it's the king's. To rancour unknown, to no passion a slave, Nor unmanly, nor mean, nor a railer," etc.

Broken, rough fragments of rock, were all that rewarded the most anxious investigation; and after a few precious minutes uselessly wasted, they all assembled around the guide, as if by common consent, to seek his counsel. The truth was no longer to be concealed the party was lost! Let no presuming railer tax Creative wisdom, as if aught was form'd In vain, or not for admirable ends. Thomson.

De Quincey describes the Bishop as being 'always a discontented man, a railer at the government and the age, which could permit such as his to pine away ingloriously in one of the humblest among the Bishopricks. Ib. p. 107. He was, he adds, 'a true Whig, and would have been made Archbishop of York had his party staid in power a little longer in 1807. Rasselas, chap. xi.

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