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We'll just be a couple of 'Rag-Time Follies' taking a night off." "Don't she look cute with her cap on?" cried one of the girls. "I'd give my head to be going!" Nance put on a borrowed rain-coat which was to serve as evening wrap as well and, with a kiss all around and many parting gibes, ran up the steps in Birdie's wake. The court outside the stage entrance was a bobbing mass of umbrellas.

The good humor of the Maverick Deep-Sea Hotel, its rag-time, its boarders from the yacht, the charm of the row of tents with the girls in them sleeping their healthful sleep out in the midst of the river wind, the masts, the chimneys, stars, and city lights, all served to deepen the impression of the lack of normal pleasure in most of the shop-girls' lives.

At last Pope turned to the piano and fluttered through the stack of sheet-music he found there. "Do you play?" inquired Bob. "Yes. Why?" "You look as if you did you're kind of badly nourished. Know any rag-time?" Pope shuddered. "I do not." "Too bad! I was going to ask you to stir up the ivories." "Nobody likes good music any more," growled the critic, seating himself upon the bench.

"Cheese," rumbled Kreiling, "jam, coffee and mince pies." Caesare unsheathed his fiddle and played a preposterous rag-time interpretation of the Valkyrie's battle-cry. It evoked an instant response from the telephone. "It's Mac," said Whitaker. "He says he'll be down in a jiffy and bring Jan with him." "Tell him," grumbled Kenny, "to bring beer instead.

Sheridan was looking over a collection of records consisting exclusively of Caruso and rag-time. She selected one of the latter, remarking that she thought it "right pretty," and followed it with one of the former and the same remark. As the second reached its conclusion, George appeared in the broad doorway, seeming to have an errand there, but he did not speak.

As for 'rag-time, all papa's friends said I could do it excellently well. You see, I was brought up with the coons and can mimic them easily. And you should see me do a cake-walk. I will after I've helped you awhile." Susanna looked rather foolish at being herself set right.

It is not in the souls of bunny-huggers that the new ferment is potent; they will not dance and sing the world out of its lethargy; not to them will the future owe that debt which I trust it will be quick to forget. There is nothing very wonderful or very novel about rag-time or tango, but to overlook any live form of expression is a mistake, and to attack it is sheer silliness.

These rag-time melodies, coming straight from the jungles of Africa through the negro, call to impulses in man that are stifled in big cities, in factory and slum and the nerve-wearing struggle of business. So in the dance my Marquesan neighbors returned to the old ways and expressed emotions dying under the rule of an alien people.

If "Scotty" was not addressing them personally, he was often singing bits of Scotch ballads, or whistling scraps of rag-time, which was wonderfully cheering, and gave them a sense of companionship with him. At last the instinct that all was not right was too strong for Baldy. Stopping suddenly, he looked back and discovered that they were driverless.

This artist had a whole manual of rag-time tunes, and seemed to have begun at Number One and decided to work through the collection. Each air was caught up and sung with more enthusiasm than the last.