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"It would be impossible to forget Mrs. Dallam," declared Mrs. Kame. "So I should have thought," said Honora. Trixton Brent laughed, and Mrs. Kame, too, after a moment's hesitation. She laid her hand familiarly on Mr. Brent's arm. "I haven't seen you all summer, Trixy," she said. "I hear you've been here at Quicksands, stewing in that little packing-case of yours.

But if we pay only half-hearted homage to it, and our own people, whether at home, or in other parts of the Empire, or in India itself, whether statesmen or soldiers, or administrators or merchants, succumb to the temptation of trying still to combine with it in practice a disingenuous survival of the old idea of domination of one race over another, after we have so solemnly repudiated it, we shall drift the more rapidly and disastrously on to the quicksands of racial strife and chronic disorder which, though they may fail to overthrow British rule, would steadily weaken, and perhaps paralyse, its power for good that is after all its one enduring justification.

But when he went, there remained Gratton and his venom. Quicksands all about her in which she would be floundering at this moment but for Mark King Her heart was beating normally again, the pallor left her face, which became delicately flushed.

If their revolutionary mania were not incurable, this truth and this evidence would retain them within their duty, so corresponding with their real interest, and prevent them from being any longer borne along by a current of infamy and danger, and preserve them from being lost upon quicksands or dashed against rocks.

And thus patiently did Walsingham pick his course, plummet in hand, through the mists and along the quicksands, and faithfully did he hold out signals to his comrade embarked on the same dangerous voyage. As for the Earl himself, he was shocked at the short-sighted policy of his mistress, mortified by the neglect to which he was exposed, disappointed in his ambitious schemes.

Now and then one of the natives, in speaking to the man next behind him, would turn and thus deviate from the path over which Omar had passed, and he would quickly pay for this carelessness, suddenly finding himself floundering helplessly up to the ears in the deadly quicksands.

He was inarticulate for a few moments, in an evident desperate attempt to rally his forces to meet such an unforeseen attack. "Who said anything about going to town?" he inquired. "Now, Howard, don't be foolish," she replied. "Surely you didn't expect to stay in Quicksands all winter?" "Foolish!" he repeated, and added inconsequently, "why not?"

To go farther would be to wreck the great cause upon the very quicksands which he had so ceaselessly pointed out.

Meantime, Sherman's Armies were pressing along upward, toward Raleigh, from Columbia, marching through swamps and over quicksands and across swollen streams cold, wet, hungry, tired often up to their armpits in water, yet keeping their powder dry, and silencing opposing batteries or driving the Enemy, who doggedly retired before them, through the drenching rains which poured down unceasingly for days, and even weeks, at a time.

The rain that had been falling all night gave no sign of stopping, but kept pouring down all day long, and the swamps and quicksands mired the horses, whether they marched in the roads or across the adjacent fields. "MAJOR-GENERAL SHERIDAN: "The heavy rain of to-day will make it impossible for us to do much until it dries up a little, or we get roads around our rear repaired.