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Updated: August 1, 2024

Reynolds walked away with his head held very high and his neck very stiff. Of course, the boys had been expecting Frank would receive a challenge, and no small number had been watching the two lads. Immediately on Rupert's departure, Frank's friends came swarming around him, asking scores of questions. "Pwhat did th' b'y want wid yez, Frankie?" asked Barney Mulloy, eagerly.

In a few seconds the boy from Vermont was securely blindfolded. "Now you sing dot song," commanded Hans. "Whut shell I sing?" "'Yankee Doodle, begobs!" cried Barney. "It's patriotic songs Ould Gunn admoires." "I can't git the tune," said Ephraim, "an' I don't know the words of only jest one varse." "Well, sing pwhat yez know, an' kape repeating it over an' over till yez are told to stop."

"Says Oi to mesilf whin Oi made up me moind ye wur wid the gints pwhat done ut, said Oi, 'Pat, me bhoy, Ben is yer friend, an' ye are his friend, an' it's up to ye to go along an' foind him an' give him a tip to git under cover before it rains. Oi'm here. It's roight foine luck Oi found yez.

"Well, sir, the first evening I ever went into Larry's store, I hadn't been in a minute until he said to me: 'Oi'm all full up; Oi've got plinty of it, I doon't give a dom pwhat ye're silling. "I paid no attention to him, as I had heard of him; instead of going out I bought a cigar and sat down by the stove.

"Dunder und blitzens!" gasped Hans. "I don'd tole you dot!" "Get away wid yer blarney!" exclaimed Barney, disbelievingly. "Pwhat do yez take us fer, Oi warnt to know? It's nivver a bit do ye shtuff sich a yarrun down aour throats, me b'y." "You are not compelled to believe it." "Cintipades in th' winter!" snorted the Irish lad. "Thot bates th' band!"

"It's litthle good money will do yez wid yer neck shtretched, an' th' bhoys are carryin' ropes fer th' gints pwhat run off wid th' girrul. Oi'd not fool yez fer th' worruld," O'Toole continued, in his most convincing manner.

"Hexcuse me, Billy," he said, "I never wiolate my princerples. I 'ave no use for papers an' I never reads 'em. Wot's it say?" "Bedad, I'll tell ye pwhat it says. It says outrage. It says another wan o' thim ould women has come bechune me an' me daily bread. It says that Tony Scollop's been and hired some ould hag av a gran'mother to shtep in an' discredit the perfession.

"Sure, an' 'twas a leddy, sor, be the v'ice av her, askin' were ye in, and mesilf havin' seen ye go out no longer ago thin wan o'clock and yersilf sayin' not a worrud about comin' back at all at all, pwhat was I to be tellin' her, aven if ye were lyin' there on the dievan all unbeknownest to me, which the same mesilf can not " "Help!" pleaded the young man feebly, smiling.

Something towld me ye'd be on th' watch if ye wur with them; an' it's sudint Oi dhropped whin Oi saw th' bushes move." "How," said Red Ben, accepting O'Toole's extended hand. "Howdy yersilf. Long toime no see, eh?" "What you do here?" "Pwhat th' divvil are you doin', Ben? It's a bad shcrape ye're afther gettin' yersilf in through this girrul business.

"What do you want?" asked Merriwell. "Oi want me pay." Now, Frank knew well enough that the driver had received his pay in advance, but he was beginning to suspect that the party that hired him had come to grief, and so he was for exacting an extra payment from the victors. "Look here, driver," said Frank, sternly, "I want your number." "Pwhat fer?"

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