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This air had made a bond between us. When I finished, the old man said to me: 'Thank ye, thank ye, sor, with all my hairt! That's enoof. Let me put the hairn away. Go hoom now. But coom aroond in the mairnin' and Oi'll boy a bill of ye; Oi doon't give a dom pwhat ye're silling.

"Pwhat the divvle ails ye?" "Rayspicts to ye, ma'am, and 'tis sorry I am I didn't know 'twas a leddy." "He's not." "Wan o'clock, there or thereabouts." "Faith and he didn't say." "Pwhat name will I be tellin' him?" "Kape ut to yersilf, thin. 'Tis none of me business." "If ye do, I'll not answer. Sure, am I to be climbin' two flights av sthairs iv'ry foive minits "

At this moment Bascomb clapped his thigh and cried: "That's the scheme! That will do it!" "Uf dot don'd mean somedings, Parney, you vos a liar!" exclaimed Hans. "Av course it do." "I pelief me dot means drouble vor Frankie." "Oi wouldn't wonder, Handy." "You und me hat pesser dell him to keep his vedder eye vide open tight, ain'd id?" "Thot's pwhat we will, me b'y.

"They might raise a rescue party and follow us." "But they wouldn't frop any chost I mean chop any frost with us." "Pwhat's thot?" came suspiciously from the driver. "An' is it not softmores ye are yersilves?" "Of course we are," returned Harry, instantly. "Thin pwhat fer do ye yell fer 'Umpty-eight?" "Oh, it's a way we have.

However, Frank felt it his duty to learn everything possible while O'Toole could speak, and so he urged him to go on. "It's me best Oi did fer ye, Misther Merriwell an' fer th' girrul. Oi had Red Ben ready to ready to turrn on th' villains pwhat carried her off. It's your promise av protiction he asked fer if he done thot. Oi wur comin' to foind ye.