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To Mary Ann each of those pairs of boots was a personality, with individual hours of rising and retiring, breakfasting and supping, going out and coming in, and special idiosyncrasies of diet and disposition. The population of 5 Baker's Terrace was nine, mostly bell-ringers. Life was one ceaseless round of multifarious duties; with six hours of blessed unconsciousness, if sleep were punctual.

Now, go upstairs and wash your hands; the luncheon-gong will ring in five minutes, and we must be punctual at meals." Nora slowly left the room. "Oh! but it's like lead my heart is," she said to herself. The day passed very dismally for the wild Irish girl. After lunch she and her aunt had a long and proper drive.

Schahriar, who took as much pleasure to hear the sultaness as Dinarzade, rose, and went about his affairs, without ordering the vizier to cut her off. The Fifteenth Night. Dinarzade was punctual this night, as she had been the former, to awake her sister, and begged of her, as usual, to tell her a story.

There were two other chairs, one on each side Carl wondered for whom they were set. No sooner were he and Miss Norris seated than two large cats approached the table, and jumped up, one into each chair. Carl looked to see them ordered away, but instead, Miss Norris nodded pleasantly, saying: "That's right, Jane and Molly, you are punctual at meals."

The people are Spanish in that they are slow to serve you or to find you a mount or to show you the way, but they are French in that they are punctual in the hour at which they have promised to do these things; and they are Spanish in the shapes of their ricks and the nature of their implements, but French in the aspect of their fields.

It was a little tiresome that this should happen to-day, because there was nothing else that need detain him, except those deeds for the execution of which his partner's signature was necessary, and he could, if only Mills had been punctual, have gone out to Rottingdean before lunch, and inspected the Church school there in the erection of which he had taken so energetic an interest.

It's at four o'clock the inquest is to be, and I dare say, sir, if you are there by half-past, it will be time enough." "No doubt of that; but I will be punctual."

She'd make him a real strong cup of coffee: he liked that better than tea. She would cook him a bit of beef steak too, for she knew that fishing always gave people a good appetite. Yes, it was quite time he was there; and then she looked out the front door, just as if she could look him home. An hour went by an hour after the time he said he'd come; and Tom always punctual to the minute, too.

Punctual to time such a tempting little luncheon appeared upon the table as evoked special praise from the fastidious master, the cook being commended for the success of omelette, entree and savoury, and Peggy coming in for her own share of congratulation on her powers as a caterer.

Atufal, the pretended rebel, but punctual shadow, that moment lurked by the threshold without. He seemed a sentry, and more. Who, by his own confession, had stationed him there? Was the negro now lying in wait? The Spaniard behind his creature before: to rush from darkness to light was the involuntary choice.