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But we are carried back one step further still. In this way the real date of Ptolemaeus seems still to recede, but I will not endeavour any further to put a numerical value upon it which might be thought to be prejudiced. It will be best for the reader to fill up the blank according to his own judgment.

I would rather endure the worst than this dreadful anxiety." So Andreas acknowledged that the youth was in a bad way, but that Ptolemaeus, himself well-skilled, hoped to cure him if his greater colleague Galenus would aid him. "And it is to secure his assistance, then," Melissa went on, "that the leech would have him carried to the Serapeum?" "Yes, my child.

But meanwhile the physician Ptolemaeus had come into the room, and he would allow no one to come near her this evening but Zeno's daughter. His grave eyes were dim with tears as, when taking leave, he whispered to the Lady Euryale: "All is well. Even her mind is saved." He was right. From day to day and from hour to hour her recovery progressed and her strength improved.

When Ptolemaeus for so he was called had, in reply to the question, "who is that?" learned who she was, he hastily murmured: "Then she can do nothing but harm here. A man in a fever wants but one thing, and that is perfect quiet." And he beckoned Andreas to the window, and asked him shortly, "Has the girl any sense?" "Plenty," replied the freedman, decisively.

"Show me the stone it is one of the largest and finest; you may keep it." When an hour later, Verus quitted the hall with the prefect, Titianus said: "You have done me a service cousin, without knowing it. Now can you contrive that Ptolemaeus and Favorinus shall go with Apollonius to meet the Emperor at Pelusium?" "Nothing easier" was the answer.

Caesar adjudged the kingdom of Egypt, agreeably to the testament of Auletes, to the intermarried brother and sister Cleopatra and Ptolemaeus Dionysus, and further gave unasked the kingdom of Cyprus cancelling the earlier act of annexation as the appanageof the second-born of Egypt to the younger children of Auletes, Arsinoe and Ptolemaeus the younger. Insurrection in Alexandria

His anxiety to see the beloved sufferers urged him forward so quickly that he presently overtook another man who was walking in the same direction in the cool of the evening. This was Ptolemaeus, the physician. He greeted Andreas with cheerful kindness, and the freedman knew what he meant when, without waiting to be asked, he said: "We are out of the wood now; the fever has passed away.

But Ptolemaeus wishes to leave Diodoros quite undisturbed till daybreak. He is now gone to the Serapeum to find a good place for him. You, too, need rest, and you shall be waked in good time. Go, now, with Dame Katharine. As to your relations," he added, to Agatha, "do not be uneasy. A boy is already on his way to your father, to tell him where you are for the night."

Still, this did not wake him, though on the next bed lay a man who never ceased speaking, because in his dream he had been bidden to repeat the name of Serapis as many times as there were drops in a cup of water filled from the Agathodaemon Canal. "A long stay in this strong perfume will be bad for him," whispered Ptolemaeus to the freedman.

"No less a man than the astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus referred me to him." "The best of recommendation." "Well, then, I commissioned Ammonius to cast the horoscope for Verus during the past night and he brought it to me with an explanatory key. Here it is."