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"Of how the baby separated us and " She paused, almost in tears. From what I knew of the method of psychanalysis, I recalled it was the gaps and hesitations which were most important in arriving at the truth regarding the cause of her trouble. "Perhaps it was my fault; perhaps I was a better mother than wife. I thought I was doing what he would want me to do. Too late I see my mistake."

That is all I know. I am not a specialist. If Doctor Burr " He paused. "If you can give me just a card," urged Kennedy, "that is all Doctor Burr wishes." Cranston wrote hastily on the back of one of his cards what Kennedy dictated. Please allow Doctor Kennedy to make a psychanalysis of my wife's mental condition. "You will let me know if there is any hope?" he asked.

He was content to let what he had shown work in the man's mind. "For the sake of that baby would she would she forgive?" asked Hazleton, turning desperately toward Kennedy. Deliberately Kennedy faced him, not as scientist and millionaire, but as man and man. "From my psychanalysis," he said slowly, "I should say that it IS within your power, in time, to change those dreams."

He will be as forgiving as He is strong. The best we can do, then, is to leave our sins in the hand of God and go our way, sadder and wiser, maybe, but not regretting too much, not fearing any more. There is a new idea in medicine the development of which has been one of the most striking achievements of modern times the idea of psychanalysis as taught and advocated by Freud in Germany.

Let me proceed now with what the Freudists call the psychanalysis, the soul analysis, of Mrs. Maitland." It was startling in the extreme to consider the possibilities to which this new science might lead, as he proceeded to illustrate it. "Mrs. Maitland," he continued, "your dream of fear was a dream of what we call the fulfilment of a suppressed wish.

Compare here the very comprehensive but confusing literature on onanism, e.g., Rohleder, Die Masturbation, 1899. Cf. also the pamphlet, "Die Onanie," which contains the discussion of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, Wiesbaden, 1912. Compare here the essay on "Charakter und Analerotic" in the Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, Zweite Folge, 1909. Cf. also Brill, Psychanalysis, Chap.

"Thank you," she murmured, and I was much impressed by the sweetness of her voice. As he spoke, Kennedy arranged the pillows on a chaise lounge and placed her on it with her head slightly elevated. Having discussed the subject of psychanalysis with Kennedy before, I knew that this was so that nothing might distract her from the free association of ideas.

We might ride in hydroaeroplanes, delve into the very soul by psychanalysis, perhaps even run our machines by the internal forces of radium even marry according to Galton or Mendel.

"The Jung association word test is part of the Freud psychanalysis, also," he whispered to me, "You remember we tried something based on the same idea once before?" I nodded. I had heard of the thing in connection with blood- pressure tests, but not this way. Kennedy called out the first word, "Head," while in his hand he held a stop watch which registered to one-fifth of a second.

"Indeed!" responded Cranston. "I'm all broken up by it myself." I could not resist thinking that he took it very calmly, however. "I should like very much to make what we call a psychanalysis of Mrs. Cranston's mental condition," Kennedy explained. "A psychanalysis?" repeated Cranston. "Yes; you know it is a new system. In the field of abnormal psychology, the soul-analysis is of first importance.