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Scaramouch. Bell. Who, if he had no more Honesty and Conscience than my Uncle, wou'd let us pine for want of Lovers: but thanks be prais'd, the Generosity of our Cavaliers has open'd their obdurate Hearts with a Golden Key, that lets 'em in at all Opportunities. Come, come, let's in, and answer their Billet-Doux. SCENE II. A Garden. Doct. Set down the Telescope. Let me see, what Hour is it? Scar.

It is a thing indeed very natural and ordinary, to desire to be of the getting hand: and alwaies when men undertake it, if they can effect it, they shall be prais'd for it, or at least not blam'd: but when they are not able, and yet will undertake it, here lies the blame, here is the error committed.

Sagacious reader of the works of God, And in his word sagacious. Such too thine, Milton, whose genius had angelic wings, And fed on manna. And such thine, in whom Our British Themis gloried with just cause, Immortal Hale! for deep discernment prais'd And sound integrity not more, than fam'd For sanctity of manners undefil'd." Cowper.

I pursu'd the counsel, and put on so pleasant a face that he receiv'd me in drollery, without the grave stiffness of a master. He was pleasant on the success of my amours; prais'd my meen and wit that was so agreeable to the ladies: and "I'm no stranger," said he, "to your love of a very beautiful lady.

"Come, lovely and soothing Death, Undulate round the world, serenely arriving, arriving, In the day, in the night, to all, to each, Sooner or later, delicate Death. "Prais'd be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious; And for love, sweet love but praise! O praise and praise, For the sure-enwinding arms of cool-enfolding Death.

And Sir Bevill caught my hand and pointed across to where, on the north side, a white standard embroider'd with gold griffins was mounting. "'Tis dear Nick Slanning!" he cried; "God be prais'd the day is ours for certain!" The rogue had counted on a crown for his readiness, and swore the mare was ready for anything, he having mix'd half a pint of strong ale with her mash, not half an hour before.

Not a word: Heaven be prais'd, she was a silent Devil but she was laid in a Pavilion, all form'd of gilded Clouds, which hung by Geometry, whither I was conveyed, after much Ceremony, and laid in Bed with her; where with much ado, and trembling with my Fears I forc'd my Arms about her. L. Ful. Gay.

That indeed in his own Defence, he had imploy'd some others to chant his Praise; but they were such wretched Poetasters, and did it so awkardly, that their Performances prov'd more bitter Invectives than the Satyrs of the others; for whenever there happen'd the least Flaw in his Administration, he was sure to receive congratulatory Verses immediately upon it; and that was the Time they chose to proclaim the Happiness the Subject enjoy'd by his wise Management: And they carried this Matter to such a ridiculous Height, that there was not a Vice or a Folly, that either he or any of his Family were remarkable for, but they were prais'd for the contrary Vertues and Accomplishments.

'To win me from his tender arms, Unnumber'd suitors came; Who prais'd me for imputed charms, And felt or feign'd a flame. 'Each hour a mercenary crowd, With richest proffers strove: Among the rest young Edwin bow'd, But never talk'd of love. 'In humble simplest habit clad, No wealth nor power had he; Wisdom and worth were all he had, But these were all to me.

Oh, may this tribute in your hearts excite, Illustrious pair, more pure and real delight, Whilst thus your virtues are sincerely prais'd, Than pompous domes by servile flatt'ry rais'd." The theatres generally rang with praises of the beneficence of the sovereigns: "La Partie de Chasse de Henri IV." was represented for the benefit of the poor. The receipts were very considerable.