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I wanted to tell you first what I proposed; for, hang it all! I've read it in your eyes that you thought I was little better than a popinjay, and I wished to prove to you that I could be a man after my fashion." "I like your fashion, and am grateful for your confidence. What's more, you won't be able to deceive me a bit hereafter.

He could be stately with Spaniards, familiar with Flemings witty with Italians. He could strike down a bull in the ring like a matador at Madrid, or win the prize in the tourney like a knight of old; he could ride at the ring with the Flemish nobles, hit the popinjay with his crossbow among Antwerp artisans, or drink beer and exchange rude jests with the boors of Brabant.

"A word with you, Hastings," said Montagu, thoughtfully, and he drew aside his fellow courtier: "what thinkest thou of this Burgundy bastard's visit?" "That it has given a peacock's strut to the popinjay Anthony Woodville." "Would that were all!" returned Montagu.

One of the gentlemen was, I believe, a member of the Government, an under-secretary for something, but he and Rose and Lady Charlotte talked again of nothing but musicians and actors. It is strange that politicians should have time to know so much of these things. The other gentleman reminded me of Hotspur's popinjay.

If she had been a beautiful duchess, Popinjay Parlour would have been a sort of salon bleu; but it was really a kind of paradise to a good many clever, hardworked men and women.

'His lordship had had the ill luck to slay his cousin in their cups. Down to my shoes he changed with me; and set me on his horse like a popinjay, and fared by my side in my worn weeds, with my psaltery on his back. And said he, 'Now, good youth, thou art Cousin Detstein; and I, late count, thy Servant. Play the part well, and help me save my bloodstained soul!

"I shall enjoy seeing if that French popinjay keeps all of his fine airs when the hour for stern work comes." He lifted his voice. "Jordan!" The young soldier instantly ceased his song, and turned in his saddle to glance back. "The time has come when I must insist on less noise, and more decorum upon the march," Wells said sternly. "This is not Fort Wayne, nor is our road devoid of danger.

But, alas! that which I had hidden from a whole army in the field, I could not keep a secret from one rubbishing, penniless, popinjay of a Captain in the Gardes Françaises. I told this miscreant, de la Ribaldiere, that I was a woman; for I was mad and vain enough to Love him.

"You know, mother, there are a great many nice people in the world. I can't have all of 'em." "Who were you with all the forenoon?" Mrs. Starling asked suddenly. "You went off and left me with the people from Elmfield. I was taking care of them." "I saw you come out of the field with them. What a popinjay that Masters girl is, to be sure! and Mrs. what's her name? the other, is not much better.

He expressed unbounded affection for the commonwealth, and perfect confidence in the loyalty of the inhabitants. He promised to maintain their liberties, and to restore their prosperity. Moreover, he had just hit the popinjay with a skill which his imperial father might have envied, and presided at burgher banquets with a grace which Charles could have hardly matched.