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Updated: August 1, 2024

You can have the buckboard and a driver every day if you'll go. Try a week or two in one of the cow camps. I'll fix you up plumb comfortable. The ground, and the air next to it them's the things to cure you. I knowed a man from Philadelphy, sicker than you are, got lost on the Guadalupe , and slept on the bare grass in sheep camps for two weeks.

"I shall try my level best." "Wish I could git a job fer ye. But I don't know nubuddy." "I am going to try the hotels next. I have a strong letter of recommendation from a hotel man." "If ye don't git no work in Philadelphy come out on my farm. I'll board ye all winter fer nuthin'," went on Josiah Bean, generously. "Thank you, Mr. Bean; you are very kind." "I mean it.

I don't want to be hard on ye, but ye must leave Philadelphy. Ye can't stay here. I can't permit ye. Ye can go to Europe, or ye can go to yer aunt's in New Orleans; but ye must go somewhere. I can't have ye stayin' here it's too dangerous. It's sure to be comin' out. The papers'll be havin' it next. Ye're young yet. Yer life is before you.

"I'll feel better when I have the six hundred dollars in my fist. I'm afraid it ain't goin' to be no easy matter to git it." "What's the trouble!" "I ain't known in Philadelphy an' they tell me a feller has got to be identified or somethin' like thet somebody has got to speak for ye wot knows ye." "I see. Perhaps you'll meet some friend." "Thet's wot I'm hopin' fer."

Fine trappings don't make the horse, and they don't take thoroughbreds from a grocer's cart. A Philadelphy grocer," sniffs this old aristocrat. "I'd knowed her father was a grocer had I seen her in Pall Mall with a Royal Highness, by her gait, I may say.

Well, Nate said that it really begun when the Professor and Olivia landed at the Wellmouth depot with the freight car full of junk. Of course, the actual beginnin' was further back than that, when that Harmon man come on from Philadelphy and hunted him up, makin' proclamation that a friend of his, a Mr.

Fine trappings don't make the horse, and they don't take thoroughbreds from a grocer's cart. A Philadelphy grocer," sniffs this old aristocrat. "I'd knowed her father was a grocer had I seen her in Pall Mall with a Royal Highness, by her gait, I may say.

"Wal," said the citizen, critically, "if you was from Philadelphy or Boston, you might stand acquitted." Stephen was on the point of claiming Boston, but wisely hesitated. "I'm from St. Louis, with a message for Mr. Lincoln," he replied. "Ye talk like y e was from down East," said the citizens who seemed in the humor for conversation. "I reckon old Abe's' too busy to see you.

That is just what I want to know, the best thing for me to do in such a case." "What ye goin' to Philadelphy for?" inquired the old lady. "I am going after work. I am a printer, and want to find work in a printing-office." "A printer," exclaimed the woman, who had probably never seen one before. "Dear me, yer fortin is made to set up business in this ere town. There is nothing of the like here."

"Boston is a Yankee town, and so is Philadelphy;" considering which, I assure you I find the latter quite a civilized place. The above quotation is from "Yankee-doodle," the National Anthem of the Americans, which I will sing to you some day when I am within hearing. We have just returned from church.

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