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Updated: August 26, 2024

Mithras is the Good, his name is Love. In relation to the Eternal he is the source of grace, in relation to man he is the life-giver and mediator. He brings the 'Word, as Brahma brings the Vedas, from the mouth of the Eternal. Hyde's 'De Religione Vet. Pers., ch. 22; see also 'Essay on Pantheism, by Rev. Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Pers. For this Reason they often represent an illustrious Person in a Roman Habit, or in some other Dress that never varies. I could wish, for the sake of my Country Friends, that there was such a kind of everlasting Drapery to be made use of by all who live at a certain distance from the Town, and that they would agree upon such Fashions as should never be liable to Changes and Innovations.

Madame de Pers was kind enough to lend herself to that combination, although the country was generally repulsive to her, and Vastville in particular had in her eyes a sinister character. She pretended that she heard at night noises in the walls and moans in the woods. She slept with one eye open and two candles burning.

"Well then, I'm sorry, San Domingo, and apologise most profoundly and profusely and perpetually and peremptorily and all the other `pers' and `pros' that you can think of. Now, how is that for a salve to your wounded feelings, eh?" "Dat all right, sah," answered the black. "Quite proper dat one gentleum should 'polergize to anoder.

Close by on the river-bank is the sixteenth-century Hôtel de Ville, a castle, partly built on a rock, in the gracefully-ornamental style of the French Renaissance, with turrets, mullioned windows, and a loggia. Having crossed the river, I went in search of the chief architectural curiosity in or near Espalion that known as the Church of Pers, or the Chapel of St. Hilarion.

All this was charming; Monsieur de Lucan lent himself to it with the utmost good nature, and did not surely deserve great credit for doing so. About this time, the Baroness de Pers came to spend three days with her daughter. She was at once advised, with full particulars, of the miraculous change that had taken place in Julia's character, and of her behavior toward her step-father.

Erik and his brother Pers went carefully into the herd and threw a lasso gently over the horns of the deer, to hold them still while the mother did the milking. The twins looked on with interest; but to their great astonishment not one of the reindeer gave more than a mug of milk. They had been used to seeing brimming pails of cow's milk at the Ekman farm in Dalarne.

Theirs will be but candle-light glories: our scenes will be the same by all lights. But as scenes are of little use without actors, and cuts of less worth without description, we append our fair Correspondent's historical notices of the sites and the dram. pers. of "this our tragedy." The founder of this ancient castle bears the name of Robert the Devil.

The last-named writer also states that artades and devas were Magian words, which perhaps implies that they were common to the Medes with the Persians. Here, again, the evidence, such as it is, favors a close connection between the languages of Media and Persia. That artabe and angarus were Persian words no less than Median, we have the evidence of Herodotus. Pers. div.

It is much softer, more transparent, and contains more animal matter, than the natural incrustation at Ascension; but we here again see the strong tendency which carbonate of lime and animal matter evince to form a solid substance allied to shell. Pers. Narr., vol. v., pt. 1., p. 18. M. Montagne, in Comptes Rendus, etc., Juillet, 1844; and Annal. des Scienc. Nat., Dec. 1844

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