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And she was thinking in that flash of the days "back home" when she was counted the best revolver shot at the Piping Rock. She could beat Peter, and Peter was good. Her fingers twined a bit fondly about the pearl-handled thing in her pocket. The last resort and from the first it had given her courage to keep the truth from Peter! She knocked at the heavy door of the igloo cabin.

"This youngster had on one of them cowboy suits such as tenderfoots bring West with 'em; and you could see he was aching to wing a couple of Indians or bag a grizzly or two with the little pearl-handled gun he had buckled around his waist.

Both the bed and dresser were in perfect order, save for a silver-backed comb, which had been taken from the latter, and which he presently found lying on the floor at the other end of the room. This and the presence of a pearl-handled parasol on a small stand near the door proclaimed that a woman had been there within a short space of time.

Halfway across the field, as the path curved round some bushes, Springer came upon Herbert Rackliff, sitting on a stone, manicuring his nails with the file blade of a pearl-handled knife, a cigarette clinging to his moistened lower lip. "Hello," said Herbert, with no intonation of surprise, as he looked up. "How do you happen to be dodging across this way, Springer?" Phil was annoyed.

When it was clear that the members of the family were in bed the Grand Army man hitched his shoulders and, untangling his long legs, caught his heels on the rounds of his chair. "S'pose there'll be a will, Phelps?" he queried in his weak falsetto. The banker laughed disagreeably and began trimming his nails with a pearl-handled pocketknife.

Thorwaldsen never married, and there is no doubt that his engagement to Miss Mackenzie, a most excellent English lady, was vetoed by Anna Maria and her pearl-handled stiletto. One child was born to Anna Maria and Thorwaldsen a girl, who was legally acknowledged by Thorwaldsen as his daughter.

"That is true; t'anks! Come, mine babee, let me to you show how an orange is to eat, when one has no care for the appearance it is nature's own way." She cut a tiny hole through the thick rind with her pearl-handled penknife, then put it to the child's lips and bade him suck out the juice, as the little bees suck honey from the lily-buds. Sara watched her delightedly.

Thus was it the young "dude" operator proved himself, and came into possession of a handsome pearl-handled Colt's revolver and, early the following morning, from a "committee" of the Bar-O cowmen, headed by Muskoka Jones, a fine high-crowned, silver-spangled Mexican sombrero, to take the place of the hat they had destroyed, and "as a mark of esteem for the pluckiest little operator ever sent to Bonepile."

You ought to find him in that Mexican lay-out below the depot. He's got a girl down there Pancha Sales." "How was he armed?" asked Buckley. "Two pearl-handled sixes, and a knife." "Keep this for me, Billy," said the ranger, handing over his Winchester. Quixotic, perhaps, but it was Bob Buckley's way. Another man and a braver one might have raised a posse to accompany him.

As Mr Solomon spoke he handed a pair of pearl-handled scissors a pair of those spring affairs with a tiny knife-blade in each handle and in the midst of a dead silence laid them on the table before Sir Francis. "Those are not mine," said Philip hastily. "Humph!" ejaculated Sir Francis, picking them up and examining them.