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Cf. note 2: Ingaevones. Non in ripa. Splendidissima colonia. This flourishing colony had no distinctive name in the age of T.; called afterwards Augusta Vindelicorum, now Augsburg. Passim. Wherever they chose Sine custode. Not so others. Cf. His. 4, 64: ut inermes ac prope nudi, sub custode et pretio coiremus. Cum ostendamus. Cum==while, although. Hence the subj. Non concupiscentibus.

Gneist's Self-Government , p. 194. The mainspring of the old system had become a simple anomaly to the new radicalism. See Arthur Young, passim. There was, however, an improvement even in the first half of the century. See Cunningham's Growth of English Industry, etc. We are often amused by the persistency of the cry against a 'standing army' in England.

I.e., of the deity. See an article by Francis Brown, "The Religious Poetry of Babylonia," Presbyterian Review, 1888. Compare the relationship existing between Ea and Marduk, noted above, p. 276. Similarly, Nusku was the messenger to Bel. See p. 279. On the wider aspects of this conception of the priest among ancient nations, see Frazer, The Golden Bough, passim. Zimmern, no. 1; IVR. 29, no. 5.

M. Ostrogorski, Democracy and the Organization of Political Parties, passim; R. Michels, Political Parties, passim; and Bryce, Modern Democracies, particularly Chap. LXXV; also Ross, Principles of Sociology, Chaps. There are a number of important distinctions between the members of the machine and the rank and file.

Cardwell, Doc. See also in Roxburghe Ballads , i, 118, a ballad written circa 1620 which tells us: "There be diuers Papists, That to saue their Fine, Come to Church once a moneth, To heare Seruice Diuine. The Pope giues them power, As they say, to doe so; They saue money by't too, But I know what I know." Cf. See other visitations, passim. Hale, Crim. Hale, ubi sup., 167. See Queen's Visit.

See John Hawarde, Les Reportes del Cases in Camera Stellata. 1593-1609 ed. W.P. Baildon , passim. Ibid. Framingham, of Norfolk, fined £40 to use of poor for same offence. Some examples taken from many are North, St. St. Edmund and St. Thomas, Sarum, Acc'ts, Introd., p. xi, and St. Edmund's Acc'ts, 121, 129. St. Clifton Antiq. Stephen's, Bristol, vestry, 1524. Clifton Antiq. St.

The pains they take to ensure correctness are great, and their experiences in so doing are often very interesting. Happily, too, the student soon learns to distinguish the collections whose sincerity is certain from those furbished up by literary art. The latter may have purposes of amusement to serve, but beyond that they are of comparatively little use. Luzel, "Veillées," passim.

VILLEMANDY, "Scepticismus Debellatus," III. His words are remarkable: "Passim haec, aliaque generis ejusdem, placita disseminantur, neque verum neque bonum, qualia sunt in seipsis, posse dignosci; hinc que adeo sectandam esse duntaxat cum veri, tum boni, similitudinem: quæ si stent ac valeant, illud omne erit verum, illud omne æquum, illud omne pium et religiosum, illud omne utile, quod cuiquam tale videatur; privatam cujusque conscientiam supremam esse agendorum, vel non agendorum, normam."

Phil., then, we all understand, is not going to traverse the vast field of Protestant opinions as they are distributed through our many sects; that would be endless; and he illustrates the mazy character of the wilderness over which these sects are wandering, 'ubi passim Palantes error recto de tramite pellit, Ay, even so. It's Phil.'s mistake, not mine.

It was treated as the foundation of absolute government by Hobbes, of free government by Locke; it was recognized by Grotius. It received its embodiment in the cabin of the Mayflower, when the Pilgrims did solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one another, covenant and combine themselves together into a civil body politic. Hooker, i. 241. Hobbes, Leviathan, passim.