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Updated: September 17, 2024

Ex hoc ioculatores praesto sunt, et Magi, qui suis incantationibus praestant praestigia multa. Imprimis faciunt videri Solem et Lunam, oriendo, descendendo consuetum diei intra Basilicam peragere cursum, cum tanta nimietate splendoris, vt vix se inuicem homines valeant recognoscere prae fulgore, dicentes et mentientes, Solem et Lunam coeli hanc mittere reuerentiam Imperatori.

"Women," says Vairus, "have more power to fascinate than men"; but the reason he gives will not, I fear, recommend itself to the sex, for the worthy padre feared women as devils. According to him, their evil influence results from their unbridled passions: "Quia irascendi et concupiscendi animi vim adeo effrenatam habent, ut nullo modo ab ira et cupiditate sese temperare valeant." Perhaps Mr.

Churton for complying with my request of his permission to insert his Remarks, being conscious of the weight of what he judiciously suggests as to the melancholy in my own constitution. His more pleasing views of life, I hope, are just. Valeant quantum valere possunt. Mr.

And now adieu, ancient Tethys: Jam valeant annosa Tethys, nymphæque madentes, Ipsius comites; veniat coronata superbe Australis pelagi cultrix, re ac nomine dives.

But perhaps a man, after knowing his own character the limited strength of his own mind, should not be desirous of having too much wisdom, considering, quid valeant humeri , how little he can carry . JOHNSON. 'Sir, be as wise as you can; let a man be aliis laetus, sapiens sibi: "Though pleas'd to see the dolphins play, I mind my compass and my way ."

The latter however should not be brought forward too soon; and, if wisely delayed, the tyro himself will to a certain degree enter into the views of his instructor, and be disposed to essay Quid valeant humeri, quid ferre recusent.

But perhaps a man, after knowing his own character the limited strength of his own mind, should not be desirous of having too much wisdom, considering, quid valeant humeri, how little he can carry. JOHNSON. 'Sir, be as wise as you can; let a man be aliis laetus, sapiens sibi: "Though pleas'd to see the dolphins play, I mind my compass and my way."

Grevenkop to do it for me; but that letter was directed to Berlin. My pain is now much abated, though I have still some fine remains of it in my shoulder, where I fear it will tease me a great while. I must be careful to take Horace's advice, and consider well, 'Quid valeant humeri, quid ferre recusent'.

It is your first duty to ask yourself, quid valeant humeri, quid ferre recusent? we cannot all be brilliant men in this life. And it is for your interest to be contented rather with a humble station well filled, than to shock every body with failures, the more conspicuous by contrast with the ostentation of their promises."

In the first case, there is no danger in accepting them, 'valeant quantum valere possunt'. In the latter case, it may be useful to seem to accept them, and artfully to turn the battery upon him who raised it. There is an incontinency of friendship among young fellows, who are associated by their mutual pleasures only, which has, very frequently, bad consequences.

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