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The girl found Antonio propped against a piñon tree, solacing himself philosophically with cigarettes. He was surprised to see her, but made only a slight objection to her taking his place. His ankle was paining him a good deal, and he was very glad to get the chance to pull himself to her saddle and ride back to the ranch.

'I had no intention of paining you, said Mark, 'I ought not to have asked you. I I will ask Mabel herself. 'You must not do that! said Vincent, with energy; 'you might have spared me this you might have guessed. Still I will tell you it may do good.

"I would gladly be spared paining her by such a tale," said Tom quickly; "but how " He paused, and Captain Jack took up the word. "I know what you would say. How if you have suddenly to fly again? How if aught should come to her ears? Now listen, Tom, and I will tell you what I will do. I loved your father.

If she could believe that it was paining him, she would be glad and if it appeared possible to keep up the pretence of unrecognition for longer than to-morrow, she would certainly do so; it was a frantic excitement in any case, and she adored difficult games.

The rock reminded her of the one on which she and Grant had sat that night while the thin red lines of fire played far up and down the valley. Her ankle was paining a little so she removed her boot and stocking and soothed it in the cool water.

Howell sent his servant in a great hurry to tell him that his wounds were paining him horribly; the garter was therefore replaced in the solution of the Powder, "and the patient got well after five or six days of its continued immersion." The king's physician, Dr.

One cannot help occasional disinclination on a lazy evening, confound it! but it makes one twinge to think of paining her with such a confession; and a story of that sort well, it's a lie, of course; but it's one without any harm, any seed of potential ill, in it.

Acupuncture, or the practice of sticking long pins into any part of the patient's body that may happen to be paining him, pretty much irrespective of anatomical position, is the nearest approach to surgery of which they are guilty, and proclaims of itself the in corpore vili character of the thing operated upon. Nor does the painter owe anything to science.

I have often thought of offering my services to the pestilence-stricken towns of France and Italy; but fear of paining you, and expectation of this catastrophe, withheld me. To England and to Englishmen I dedicate myself. If I can save one of her mighty spirits from the deadly shaft; if I can ward disease from one of her smiling cottages, I shall not have lived in vain." Strange ambition this!

"Oh, how can I tell you!" was the answer. "Our fleet was beaten, and and my master is a prisoner." The wife saw that this was not all. "Tell me everything, Hulm," she said trembling, yet ready for the worst. "Oh, my dear, dear mistress, I cannot!" "Hulm, you see that I am calm," she answered. "You are only paining me." "They are to try him for his life!"