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She was just a Tommy's daughter, and never seemed to try and rise above the level of 'married quarters'. "I had to mind my p's and q's as a boy, I can assure you. My mother was always thrown in my teeth. Mrs. Fenley called her 'black. It was a lie. She was dark-skinned, as I am, but there are Cornish and Welsh folk of much darker complexion. My father, too, shared something of the same prejudice.

"He lacks the two P's," he said slowly; "pull and personality." Impatiently Thayer uncrossed his knees and crossed them in the reverse position. "Do you mean that nothing else counts here?" he demanded. "Precious little. A fellow has got to have good lungs for blowing his own horn, else he is drowned in the general chorus. That's the worst of music as a profession; personality is everything.

He was sure that he had sent the message right. He couldn't send an e for a v, because e was the simplest letter in the Morse alphabet just a single dot. And as for sending two b's where he should have sent two p's "I didn't," he muttered wrathfully. "They think I did because " His face clouded with swift suspicion, and the blanket dropped from his hands.

He decided that there was no use in arguing with Tim now. Besides, he wanted time to think. He had saved the message that Bobbie had written. That night he took it from his bureau drawer. "Every batriot," he read aloud, "blaces his all at the sereice of his country." Funny there should be two b's instead of two p's. He repeated the letters slowly, thoughtfully. "B, p; b, p Gosh!

Nixon has a tolerably extensive circle of female acquaintance, being a good-humoured, talkative, bustling little body, and to the unmarried girls among them she is constantly vaunting the virtues of her son, hinting that she will be a very happy person who wins him, but that they must mind their P's and Q's, for he is very particular, and terribly severe upon young ladies.

When the child finishes the required curriculum of the residential school, and goes forth to his place in the world, he is often unprepared for the struggle, unable to adjust himself to the altered conditions, lacking in patience, perseverance and pluck; the "three P's" of which Clarence Hawkes so often speaks, and without which he claims no blind person can successfully overcome his handicap.

The best Morality is that known as Everyman, Pollard, 76-96; also in Everyman's Library. If Everyman is not accessible, Hycke-Scorner may be substituted, Morley; 12-18; Manly's Specimens, I., 386-420. Court Plays, Early Comedies, and Gorboduc. The best Interlude is The Four P's.

"Two P's?" inquired the constable. "Three," said Dicky. The policeman rolled a threatening eye upon him. "Be careful!" he said in an awful voice. "One of them comes at the beginning," said Dicky meekly. "Haw, haw!" roared several people in the crowd, which was unfortunate for Dicky. He was one of those people who would risk a kingdom to raise a laugh. "Address?" continued the policeman.

Children, we shall all have to mind our p's and q's and, indeed, our entire alphabet, now! 'I'm sure, said her mother, kissing her fondly, 'Priscilla knows we're all delighted to have her home! 'I'm not, said Alick, with all a boy's engaging candour. 'Nor am I, added Betty, 'it's been ever so much nicer at home while she's been away!

We are to be particularly careful to mind our 'P's' and 'Q's' on this visit, for Aunt Sallie wishes us to make a good impression in Washington." Barbara sighed. "I'll try, Ruth," she declared, "but you know what remarkable talent I have for getting into mischief." "Then you are to be specially par-tic-u-lar, Mistress Bab!" Ruth said teasingly.