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He goes through life like the ewe lamb of an over-indulgent mother and when he takes a fancy to a thing he can't conceive why everybody doesn't rush to give it him, whatever the cost or sacrifice.... If young Harry hadn't been here to keep her amused and on the move I wonder if Joan would have been a bit kinder to our friend G. P.? She's been in a weird mood, as perverse as April.

From what she knew of this aunt she had a good deal of hope from her appeal, for Mrs. Whately had always seemed a kind-hearted woman. True, she had been over-indulgent to her son, and, in her blind idolatry of this only child, blind to his faults, always comforting herself with the belief that he was merely high-spirited and would settle down when he grew older.

The common error, unfortunately, is to be over-indulgent, and, as a result, infants are more frequently ill because the nursings are too long, than too short. Furthermore, the duration of the feedings can never be gauged accurately if the infant is allowed to nap while nursing. The successful training of a baby begins with the development of regular habits of nursing.

"But you see, Sir Ralph," he observed, "workmen are often dilatory, and we cannot always depend upon their doing what they promise." "They will do the work if you keep a watchful eye on them, Mr Groocock," answered the baronet. "I am not accustomed to have difficulties raised when I give orders. My late uncle has been somewhat over-indulgent, I suspect.

Galbraith, in particular, thinks there is no obstacle that you cannot conquer." He swept his eye curiously over the young man before him. "You mustn't believe a word of what they've told you, Mr. Snelling," laughed Robert Morton. "Our friends are always over-indulgent to our faults. When I begin work under you, a thing I am greatly anticipating, you will find out what a duffer I really am."

No doubt the North had done much for the South; had earned money for it; had fed it; and had, moreover, in a great measure fostered all its bad habits. It had not only been generous to the South, but over-indulgent. But also it had continually irritated the South by meddling with that which the Southerners believed to be a question absolutely private to themselves.

Sometimes, the worthy gentleman would reprove my mother for being over-indulgent to her sons, with a reference to old Eli, or David and Absalom, which was particularly galling to her feelings; and, very highly as she respected him, and all his sayings, I once heard her exclaim, ‘I wish to goodness he had a son himself!

The Governor had the repute of being over-indulgent with regard to the disposal of the captives, being considered too merciful in his treatment of men who, for aught he knew, had forfeited their lives in joining the armed rebellion against our authority. A striking instance of the feeling which animated officers and men in the troublous times took place some time afterwards at Delhi.

McGillicuddy," said Broussard, who had learned of it from the letter written by Anita at Mrs. Lawrence's request. The Sergeant took off his cap for a moment, baring his grey head to the biting cold. "The best we could, so help me God. There wasn't nothin' me and Missis McGillicuddy could do for the kid as we didn't do. The chaplain told us we done too much, we was over-indulgent to the boy.

She's over-indulgent to Graham." "He is all she has." "She has you." Something in her voice made him turn and look at her. "That ought to be something, you know," she added. And laughed a little. "Does Natalie pay his debts?" "I rather think so." But that was a subject he could not go on with. "The fault is mine. I know my business better than I know how to handle my life, or my family.