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Updated: August 22, 2024

"Dem people sees dat you got a little some'p'n, an' dey ain't gwine stop ontwell dey's bu'nt an' stoled evah blessed cent f'om you. Je'miah, don't you have nuffin' mo' to do wid 'em." "I got to, Cindy Ann." "Whut fu' you got to?" "How I gwine buil' a cabin an' a ba'n an' buy a mule less'n I deal wid 'em?" "Dah's Mas' Sam Brabant. He'd he'p you out." Jerry rose up, his eyes flashing fire.

I knows what's quality in town an' what ain't. I can reckermember perfick when some uv these vay folks, when dey come to your pa's front do', never expected to be asked in, but jess wait thar 'bout their business ontwell yo' pa got ready to talk to um at the do'. Yes, sah.

"Well, change den," said Ben; "but wait ontwell I kin change wid you." Viney tossed her head, and that night she took out her free papers and studied them long and carefully. She was incensed at her friends that they would not pay her the homage that she felt was due her. She was incensed at Ben because he would not enter into her feelings about the matter.

"I reckon Albert Matthews' grocery would be the safes' place fu' it. He's got one o' dem i'on saftes." "The very place. Let us go there at once, and after that I will not encroach upon your hospitality longer, but attempt to find a hotel." "Hotel nothin'," said Isaac emphatically. "Ef my house ain't too common, you'll stay right thaih ontwell co't sets." "This is very kind of you, Mr.

I was bo'n an' raised in de Souf, an' in de Souf I stay ontwell I die. Ef I have to go Nawth to injoy my freedom I won't have it. I'll quit wo'kin fu' it." Ben was positive, but he felt uneasy, and the next day he told his master of the whole matter, and Mr. Raymond went down to talk to Viney. She met him with a determination that surprised and angered him.

Wait ontwell you gits sorter seasoned like, an' den I'll hunt 'roun' in my cloze an' see ef I can't run out a thrip er two fer you. But don't you levy taxes too early." Charley laughed, and said he would let the old man off if he would treat to a watermelon. As Uncle Remus came up Whitehall Street recently, he met a little colored boy carrying a slate and a number of books.

Dey stan' up mighty squar' ontwell dere dues commence ter cramp um, an' dey don't stan' de racket wuf a durn. No longer'n yistiddy I seed one er de head men er one er dese Tempeler's s'cieties totin' water fer a bar-room. He had de water in a bucket, but dey ain't no tellin' how much red licker he wuz a totin'. G'long, chile jine yo' s'ciety an' be good ter yo'se'f. I'm a gittin' too ole.

Set down an' tell me all erbout it." This the attorney did, and the old lady's indignation blazed forth. "Well, I hope to de Lawd you'll fin' dat rascal an' larrup him ontwell he cain't stan' straight." "No, we're going to do better than that and a great deal better.

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