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Updated: August 26, 2024

'I've just been prospectin' a bit round here. 'Frank was tryin' that bank. 'Tain't no good. Say, I can lay you onter somethin' better not far from here. 'Yes where is it? 'Tellin's. What'll you give us? 'Depends. What's it worth? 'Got half a pennyweight prospect there onst. Look here, you lend me yer dog t'-night, an' I'll show where. 'What do you want with Cop? 'You won't split?

Flemin', you nor nobody else ain't goin' to cast no slurs onter Mrs.

Den he put me onter yer, an' I follored yer ter der house where youse went dis evenin'. I watched till yer comes out, and den I skips roun' ter head yer off yere. I heads yer an' asks fer a light. Youse knows der rest better dan wot I does." "Well, this is decidedly interesting! So I have an enemy who wants my arm broken?" "Yes, yer right arm." "That would fix me so I'd never pitch any more."

On that first encounter Sister Angela had said: "They tell me that you have a little granddaughter a very pretty child." "Yo' mean Zalie?" Becky was on her guard. "I did not know her name. How old is she?" "Nigh onter fifteen." The strange eyes were holding Sister Angela's calm gaze the old woman was awaiting the time to spring.

"'I'll do de foolin', sez Brer Wolf, sezee, 'ef you'll do de gamin', sezee. "'How you gwine do it? sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'You run 'long home, en git on de bed, en make like you dead, en don't you say nothin' twel Brer Rabbit come en put his han's onter you, sez Brer Wolf, sezee, 'en ef we don't git 'im fer supper, Joe's dead en Sal's a widder, sezee.

So at last he got disgusted an' left; but before he went he got a wet three-bushel flour-bag an' climbed up very quietly onter the roof by the battens an' log weights an' riders, an' laid the wet bag very carefully acrost the top of the chimbly flue.

"She's nigh onter old ernough ter wed," was the uncompromising answer. "An' ef she haint nothin' ter ye, the more shame on ye fer tryin' ter make her love ye, an' mayhaps break her heart." "But I haven't tried to make her love me," broke in Donald impatiently.

"So I jist up with old drop-'em, and I let drive with a handful o' bullets I had dropped into ther shot-barrel, and I put a piece o' lead on t'other side o' trail, dropped ther ribbons and set my two puppies ter barking, as soon as I hed laid ther silk onter ther team and got 'em inter a run.

A man weighin' close onter two hundred pounds 'd naterally prefer to walk out o' the door, but the widder hauled Johnnie out o' winder." "The widow?" "Mis' Janssen. There was buggy tracks at the foot o' the melon patch, and the widder's missin'. She's put it up to marry my Johnnie. I suspicioned something, but I counted on Johnnie.

"Well, you see I was born in them parts, down to Canton, where father belonged; but mother was a Simsbury woman, and afore I was long-togged, father he moved onter the old humstead up to Simsbury, when gran'ther Peck died. Our farm was right 'longside o' Miss Buel's; you'll see't when you go there; but there a'n't nobody there now.

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