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M. de Smet of Ghent, had a large stock of this Cactus a few years ago, and a German nurseryman, H. Hildmann, of Oranienberg, near Berlin, usually has many young plants of it for sale. The flowers are large for the size of the plant, and they are developed freely in the apex of the stems in the early part of the summer.

J. Thompson, Nurseryman, found her letter a help in throwing light upon the "formal, business" document. Of course Jack's task was only half accomplished. And the second half was somewhat harder than he had anticipated. When in the morning he met the day-scholars, they were not as eager for a reconciliation as he would have liked to find them.

Those who propose to produce it largely for market will find it to their advantage to raise this plant from the seed; but for the Home Acre enough plants can be procured, at a moderate cost, from almost any nurseryman. In this instance, also, thorough preparation of the soil is essential, for the rhubarb bed, under good care, will last eight or ten years.

Once, years before, romance had paraded itself before her in the garb of a traveling nurseryman had walked by and not come back. "And Miss Harriet's going into business for herself. She's taken rooms downtown; she's going to be Madame Something or other." Now, at last, was Mrs. McKee's attention caught riveted. "For the love of mercy! At her age! It's downright selfish.

"You don't ever hear of Schwitter, do you?" "No; I guess she's still living." Schwitter, the nurseryman, had proved to have a wife in an insane asylum. That was why Tillie's romance had only paraded itself before her and had gone by. "You got out of that lucky." Tillie rose and tied a gingham apron over her white one. "I guess so. Only sometimes " "I don't know as it would have been so wrong.

These attainments, these ambitious designs, however, were far from helping him to any preferment; and he was still in quest of his first curacy when a chance ramble in that part of London, the peaceful and rich aspect of the garden, a desire for solitude and study, and the cheapness of the lodging, led him to take up his abode with Mr. Raeburn, the nurseryman of Stockdove Lane.

We are equally skeptical as to the merits of favorite kinds and colors of sands or other compounds used for the purpose. A friend of mine, a nurseryman from the far west, deeply impressed with our superior horticultural attainments in the Empire City, hired a propagator at a handsome salary, and duly installed him in his green-house department; but, alas! all his hopes were blighted.

"Papa, tell me what was Putois? Since you wish me to know, tell me." "Putois, my daughter, was a gardener. The son of honest market-gardeners, he set up for himself as nurseryman at Saint-Omer. But he did not satisfy his customers and got in a bad way. Having given up business, he went out by the day. Those who employed him could not always congratulate themselves."

In casting about for a reliable nurseryman to whom to trust the very important business of supplying me with young trees, I could not long keep my attention diverted from Rochester, New York.

Henderson has erected an extensive range of houses, after the following description and plan: "I have read and examined from time to time, with much interest, your remarks and sketches of Plant Houses, and it is not to dissent from your views that I now write, although it seems to me that your ideas run all one side of the matter, for your designs and descriptions are almost exclusively of an ornamental character, and adapted only for conservatories or graperies, leaving the uninitiated commercial nurseryman or florist to look in vain for something to suit his case.