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The sisters clung alternately to their mother and Don Cosme, weeping and crying aloud, "Pobre Narcisso! nuestro hermanito le asesinaran!" In the midst of this distressing scene the door of the drawing-room was thrown suddenly open, and a servant rushed in, shouting in an agitated voice, "El norte! el norte!" "The Norther."

It is said it will not be necessary to make more ceremony for the giving of obedience to the new King Charles the Second, than with a banner upon the tower of St. Salvador, to proclaim, 'Castilla, Castilla por el Rey Don Carlos Segondo nuestro Senor! and this ought to be done by the Conde de Chinchon, unto whom, being Regidor of Madrid, it belongs to execute the said ceremony.

"Nuestro Senor," "our Lord," though inserted in the printed editions after the word "God," is not in the MS., according to Don V. de la Fuente. Don Alvaro de Mendoza, Bishop of Avila, afterwards of Palencia. See ch. xxxvi. section 15; Way of Perfection, ch. v. section 10; Foundations, ch. xxxi. section 1.

And scrambling to his feet, he proceeded in desperate haste to raise his companion from the ground, on which he lay motionless, and apparently much hurt. "Maldito sea el dia! Nuestro Libertador! Santa Anna! Ay de mi!" "Calla te hold your tongue!" said Silveira to his alarmed adherent.

The gallant Spaniard, it is to be hoped, came by his end in the way just narrated; but the chroniclers disagree among themselves, and "El Señor Don Diego de Haedo, Arcobispo de Palermo y Capitan General del Reyno de Sicilia por El Rey Felipe nuestro señor," states that Barbarossa kept De Vargas in confinement for three months and then had him beaten to death.

Es tiempo de observar los resultados porque si estos resultados han sido perjudiciales al cuerpo social y político del país, nuestro deber es deshacer lo hecho y desandar lo andado. Nadie piensa afortunadamente en esto.

These hesitated a moment, scanning our faces; then, with a cry of "Nuestro Salvador!" both rushed forward, and knelt, or rather crouched, at my feet, each of them clasping one of my hands and covering it with kisses.

Ch. xviii. section 16. Ch. xviii. section 17. Avila. Ch. xxv. section 18. Section 9. "Other will . . . Lord's will." These words in Spanish, "Otra voluntad, sino hacer la de nuestro Senor" are not in the handwriting of the Saint; perhaps it was Father Banes who wrote them. St. Vincent. Ferrer, Instruct. de Vit.

Su familia, que había quedado en Madrid, se le reunió después en Bruselas de donde en 1829 pasó D. Manuel de encargado de negocios a Londres. De esta última corte, y siendo ministro plenipotenciario, después de la caída de Carlos X, fué dos veces a París con el carácter de enviado extraordinario, logrando ajustar nuestro primer tratado de amistad y comercio con Francia.