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But it needed no second thought to show that this would be madness. At the first appearance of a head above the stockade, they knew that half a hundred rifles from without would pour a volley at it. It would not take more than ten minutes to wipe out the whole garrison in this way. "Nope. We'll have to think of some other plan," decided Buck.

"That's what he's sold himself for, up to this time." "Too much in a way and not enough in another way," replied John Mark. "Listen, if he comes back, which I doubt, keep him here. Get him away from Ronicky dope him dope them both. In any case, if he comes back here, don't let him get away. You understand?" "Nope, but I don't need to understand. I'll do it."

The Girl took up a glass and began to polish it. At last she deigned to favour him with "Hm?" which, apparently, he did not hear, for again a silence fell upon them. Finally, unable to bear the suspense any longer, the Sheriff threw down his cards on the table, and facing her he said: "Say, Girl, will you marry me?" "Nope," returned the Girl with a saucy toss of the head.

The anxiety in Sam's tone touched Michael, but another thought had struck him hard. "Sam," said he plucking at the others sleeve in the darkness, "Sam, tell me, what was Buck doing before he went away. Was it all straight? Was he in the same business with you?" Sam breathed heavily but did not answer. At last with difficulty he answered a gruff, "Nope!" "What was it, Sam? Won't you tell me?"

"Has anybody suddenly decided to back out?" Charlie chuckled. "It's tiresome for me always to be asking that." He looked around, meeting carefully easy grins and grim expressions. "Nope I guess we're all shaggy folk, bent on high and wild living, so far. So you know the only answer we can have." "Umhmm, Charlie," Art Kuzak, the tough, business-like twin, gruffed. "We can get the Archers, now.

Nat, also, had been spouted from the flume into the pool, and, when Jack, after a fierce fight with the bubbling water came to the surface and began swimming, he saw Nat bob up a moment later. Both boys worked to get away from the plunging stream. "Are you hurt?" asked Jack, pantingly. "No are you?" inquired Nat. "Nope! Wonder what sort of a place this is."

"Been looking over the reports, and see your crew is getting out more ore'n any of the others," the super's voice held just a tinge of anxiety, and Hanlon began probing that mind to see if he could discover just what all this portended. "I just keep 'em at it," he shrugged. "No trouble?" "Nope, no trouble. Look at 'em," he waved his hand at the busy crew.

He will understand." And Williams drew a small gray gauntlet from his shirt. Overland took the glove and tucked it in his pocket. "Anything doing?" asked Williams. "Nope. They're overdue to jump us if shootin' Collie was any sign." "Like old times," said Williams. "Like old times," echoed Overland. "No trouble findin' your way across?" "Easy. Followed them automobile tracks clear to the range.

He came very slowly, however, and the boys saw that he limped frightfully, helping himself along with a stick. He was barefoot, as usual, but his left foot was swaddled in a bundle of rags. "Hello, Sappy; what happened? Out to Wounded Knee River?" "Nope. Struck luck.

Maybe, before I get there, I'll have even ripe tomatoes! 'Cause, with sun all the time, the stuff grows like fury, they say. I'll have string beans and onions and flowers, anyhow! Helps keep the air oxygen-fresh, too. Wish I had a few bumble bees! 'Cause now I'll have to pollenate by hand..." Nope Mitch couldn't get away from vegetation, even in space.