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She shook her ten-dollar note triumphantly at him, and laughed with delight. "Got money," said she. Marie had a way of ending up her words, especially those ending in y, as if she finished them up with a kiss. She pursed up her lips, and gave a most fascinating little nip to her vowels, which, as a rule, she sounded short.

"`Ice closin' up, sir! "And the captain he runs on deck. By this time there was no mistake about it; the ice was close upon us. It was clear that we were to have a nip.

He gets into the servant-gall's bed-room sometimes at night, and nearly scares her to death under pretence he wants her candle; and sometimes jumps right on to the bed, and says she is handsome enough to eat, gives her a nip on the nose, sneezes on her with great contempt, and tells her she takes snuff.

Business first, and pleasure, if ye can get it, arterwards them's my notions, Nip Nip Nippi what's your name?" "Coo Tumble, I think," suggested Briant. "Ay, Nippiloo Bumble wot a jaw-breaker! so git along, old boy."

The doctor assures me that with mother's good constitution, and the absence of any hereditary predisposition to this sort of thing, we've only to give her the ten or twelve months of rest and reënforcement the winter in New Mexico, the summer in Colorado to nip the whole thing in the bud. I believe him, and you must believe him and me.

The sea was a gentle swell, the sky clear above, but with a mass of dark clouds off the port quarter. A glance aloft revealed a full spread of canvas. The air contained a nip of frost. "All set, I see, LeVere?" "Si, Senor, and at that we barely move. The bark needs a gale o' wind to make any headway." "You have no fear of the storm yonder?" He glanced aside at the mass of cloud. "No, Senor.

And good land! we worked so hard that we hadn't time to tackle very curius and peculier thoughts, them that wuz dretful strainin' and wearin' on the mind. Not of our own accord we didn't, fur we had to jest nip in and work the hull durin' time.

To help her courage the kitten began to lash her tail, jerking it from side to side as she had seen her mother move her own. And she crouched her chubby body lower in the grass. Then the kitten jumped. And the moment she was within his reach Master Meadow Mouse gave her a smart nip on the nose with his sharp little teeth. The kitten squalled. And she backed hastily away.

I'll sift this matter down and nip the whole spirit in the bud." In this Mr. Cantwell was quite possibly at error in judgment. Probably the High School boys wouldn't have played such a prank on good old Dr. Thornton, had he still been their school chief. But, if they had, Dr.

"Oh, well, if you won't, I must guess. Yes, sir, he's quite seven feet long nearer eight; but he must be pretty young, for he's a lean, lizardly-looking brute. Not nice things to tackle, are they? Look ye here at the marks of his teeth." As he said this, Morgan held up his broken pole, first one piece then the other. "I say, Master George, he can nip.