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All that in a happier field and purer air would expand into virtue and germinate into usefulness is converted into henbane and deadly nightshade. I know how hard it is to get human society to regard one's acts as other than his deliberate intentions. But of being a drunkard by choice, and because I have not cared for the consequences, I am innocent.

Well, well, we can't be all roaring lions in this world; there must be SOME lambs, and harmless, kindly, gregarious creatures for eating and shearing. See! even good-natured Mrs. Perkins is leading up the trembling Larkins to the tremendous Miss Bunion! The Poetess, author of "Heartstrings," "The Deadly Nightshade," "Passion Flowers," &c.

At which period, probably, the organ of constructiveness was added to his anatomy, as a punishment for his transgression. Mr Escot. There could not have been a more severe one, since the propensity which has led him to building cities has proved the greatest curse of his existence. Squire Headlong. Come, a bumper of Burgundy. Mr Nightshade. A very classical application, Squire Headlong.

He is a younger and tragic counterpart to Charles Lamb in the intensity with which he has imbibed the Elizabethan spirit, rather from the nightshade of Webster and Tourneur than from the vine of Shakespeare. But they contain passages, especially lyrics, of the most exquisite fancy and music, such as since the seventeenth century none but Blake and Coleridge had given.

No man can choose the things meet for him, because he knows not his own needs, but is like the little child sitting in the meadows, that sucks for wholesome milk the juice of the deadly nightshade. The babe does not know that the nightshade is a poison; but its mother knows. This is why goodness is to do the will of God.

The dandelion, the buttercup, duckweed, celandine, mullein, burdock, yarrow, whiteweed, nightshade, and most of the thistles, these are importations. Miles Standish never crushed these with his heavy heel as he strode forth to give battle to the savages; they never kissed the daintier foot of Priscilla, the Puritan maiden.

A flush had deadened Corte's face to the hue of nightshade. "You thunder in a clear atmosphere, my Ugo," returned the old man, as he fell back calmly at full length. "And who is this signorina Vittoria?" cried Corte. "A cantatrice who is about to appear upon the boards, as I have already remarked: of La Scala, let me add, if you hold it necessary." "And what does she do here?"

He presented the purse of gold, and peered round at the room which, following the warrant, had been assigned by a clerk from the Earl Marshal's office. 'I thank your lord, and shall endeavour to deserve his good bounty, Katharine said. The nightshade juice being left two days behind she had the use of her eyes and much of the stiffness had gone out of her wrist.

We'll just pretend it was very bad tea and let it go at that." "No. It was nightshade it might have killed you." She spoke in a flat, lifeless voice. "I didn't want it to kill you I just wanted to give you enough to put you to sleep so I could take your rifle shells and throw them away but I was willing to let you drink it, even if it did kill you."

Is there something in you as there is poison in the nightshade, you know it, dear, your papa told you not to touch it is there a sort of poison in your people that works them up into a hatred of one another? Why, then, do you not agree and have all things, all the great earth can give you, just as we have the sunshine and the rain? How happy your people could be if they would only agree!