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Updated: August 11, 2024

Even in the darkness of that secluded spot the glistening of the eyes of these ill-treated men might have been seen as they gave ready assent to this proposal in low guttural tones. "How is it to be done?" asked Menalee, after a short pause. "That is what we have met to talk about," returned Nehow. "I would hear what my brothers have to say. When they have spoken I will open my mouth."

At the same time Adams cut the lashings that fastened Nehow, who instantly fled to the bush. Quintal, although partially stunned, rose at once and faced his adversary, but although possessed of bulldog courage, he could not withstand the towering wrath of Christian. He shrank backward a step, with a growl like a cowed but not conquered tiger. "The slave is mine!" he hissed between his teeth.

William Brown followed, leading Sally by the hand, for she refused to be carried, and Nehow brought up the rear. The cliffs to which their steps were directed were not more than an hour's walk from the settlement at Bounty Bay, though, for Sally's sake, the time occupied in going was about half-an-hour longer. It was a wild spot which had been selected.

"No, you scoundrels," he shouted back in reply, "you want to kill me; but you'll find it a harder job than you think." "No, no," cried Nehow, vehemently, "we don't want to kill you. Stop, and we won't hurt you." Adams felt that loss of blood from his wound was quickly reducing his strength. His case was desperate. He formed a quick resolve and acted promptly.

Timoa pointed to the lump which had been raised on his shin, grinned again, and turning quickly round, glided into the underwood like an evil spirit of the night. At that time Menalee was engaged in some menial work in the hut of John Mills. Managing to attract his attention, Timoa sent him into the woods to join Nehow.

The very next day after that, Timoa and Nehow came down to Edward Young as he was at work alone in his yam-field. This field was at a considerable distance from the settlement, high up on the mountain-side. The two men had left their weapons behind them. "We's comed for give you a helpin' hand, Missr Yong, if you no lay hands on us," said Nehow.

Moving quietly round the bush until he got into its shadow, his dark form melted from the scene without any one observing his disappearance. Soon the four conspirators were seated in a dark group under shade of the trees. "The time has come when the black man must be revenged," said Nehow. "Look my back. Salt was rubbed into these wounds. It is not the first time. It shall be the last!

The men set to work with a will, for they were fond of the kindly midshipman; but they kept a bright look-out all the time, lest any of the other Englishmen should come up and find them there. For two or three evenings in succession Timoa and Nehow came to Young's field and acted in this way.

But he did not hesitate or betray want of courage in attempting any difficulty which he had made up his mind to face. The proceedings of Nehow, however, seemed little short of miraculous.

This he appeared to succeed in doing, but when he was induced by them to give up his musket, he found out his mistake, for they soon turned it on himself and killed him. Then Young's wife, Susannah, was induced to kill Tetaheite with an axe, and Young himself immediately after shot Nehow. When McCoy and Quintal were told that all the Otaheitan men were dead they returned to the settlement.

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