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Selwyn," he said, "have you come here to criticise the conduct of my business?" "Criticise! No, I have not. I merely ask you " "You are merely asking me," cut in Neergard, "to run my office, my clerks, and my associate in business after some theory of your own." Selwyn looked at the man and knew he had lost; yet he forced himself to go on: "The boy regards you as his friend.

A wandering head-waiter thought they were fixed on him and sidled up hopeful of favours, but Neergard suddenly snarled in his face and moved toward the door, wiping the perspiration from his nose with the most splendid handkerchief ever displayed east of Sixth Avenue and west of Third. Mrs.

Now, before you meet him, I want you to plainly understand the truth about this unfortunate affair; and that's why I telephoned your gimlet-eyed friend Neergard just now to let you come around here for half an hour." The boy nodded and, drawing a gold matchbox from his waistcoat pocket, lighted his cigarette.

If anybody says to expect this, refer him to us and we will answer him according to his folly. when you might own a home in Beautiful Siowitha Park, is not wise. We expect to furnish plans, or build after your own plans. All City Improvements Are Contemplated! Map and Plans of Beautiful Siowitha Park Will probably be ready In the Near Future. Julius Neergard & Co. Long Island Real Estate."

Even before Neergard's illness Ruthven's domestic and financial affairs were in a villainous mess. Rid of Neergard, he had meant to deal him a crashing blow at the breakaway which would settle him for ever and incidentally bring to a crisis his own status in regard to his wife. Whether or not his wife was mentally competent he did not know; he did not know anything about her. But he meant to.

"Not that the boy is doing much of a business yet," he would say with a tolerant shrug of his big fleshy shoulders, "but he's laying the foundation for success a good, upright, solid foundation with the doubtful scheming of Neergard left out" at that time Neergard had not yet gone to pieces, physically "and I expect to aid him when aid is required, and to extend to him, judiciously, such assistance, from time to time, as I think he may require. . . . There's one thing "

Neergard, would you mind" very sweetly "if Mr. Erroll did not go to the office this afternoon?" Neergard looked at her almost a fixed and uncomfortable smirk on his round, red face: "Not at all, Mrs. Ruthven, if you have anything better for him " "I have an allopathic dose of it. Thank you, Mr. Neergard. Rosamund, we ought to start, you know: Gerald!" with quiet significance "good-bye, Mr.

Yet he was taken completely by surprise, for he did not know that Neergard had gone ahead and secured options on his own responsibility which practically amounted to a violation of the truce between them.

What chance is there for such a man as I?" "No chance for us," she whispered. "Go!" For a second he stood motionless, then, swaying slightly, turned on his heel. And long after he had left the house she still stood there, eyes closed, colourless lips set, her slender body quivering, racked with the first fierce grief of a woman's love for a man. Neergard had already begun to make mistakes.

Fane; awf'fly jolly to collide this way. Would you mind if " "You," interrupted Rosamund, "ought to be downtown unless you've concluded to retire and let Wall Street go to smash. What are you pretending to do in Sherry's at this hour, you very dreadful infant?" "I've been lunching with Mr. Neergard and would you mind "