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She opened her eyes, and found Aunt Dilsey standing over her with a lighted candle in one hand. "Sh , sh , honey, don't mek no noise!" "How did you get here?" asked Betsy, sitting up in bed and now thoroughly roused. "I stole de key f'um de nail in de hall, an' den slipped up de sta'rs. I allus walks jes lak a cat, you knows, so Marse Hi didn't heah me. But nebbah min' dat now.

"All right, sah; if I see him I'll stop him, nebbah feah, sah," replied the waiter, with a grin; and therewith I hurried away to my room to dress. I arrived at the Pen just in time for dinner, and found myself one of an unusually large party of guests, several men-o'-war being in port at the time, while a large contingent of civilians might always be met at the admiral's table.

But he answered, as sharply as he knew how: "I's goin' a-fishin'. Any ob youah business?" "Where'd you learn to fish?" the stranger asked. "Down South? Didn't know they had any there." "Nebbah was down Souf," was the surly reply. "Father run away, did he?" "He nebber was down dar, nudder." "Nor his father?" "'T aint no business o' your'n," said Dick; "but we's allers lived right heah on dis bay."

"Where'd you learn how to fish?" the stranger asked, "Down South? Didn't know they had any there." "Nebbah was down Souf," was the somewhat surly reply. "Father run away, did he?" "He nebber was down dar, nudder." "Nor his father?" "'Tain't no business ob yourn," said Dick, "but we's allers lived right heah, on dis bay." "Guess not," said the white boy knowingly.

"Guess I'd hav' 'sociate wid dem tam black raskels daan thaar, massa, an' dis chile no like dat nohow. I'se nebbah 'sparrage my famerly by 'sociatin' wid niggahs, massa, nebbah. De Prouts 'long good old plantation stock, an' raise in Lousianner!"

Then, her black eyes blazing, the negress sprang forward with the swiftness and fierceness of a tiger; and charging upon her master with such force as almost to throw him down, she seized his arm and wrenched the whip from his grasp. "I said you had done gone plum crazy," she cried, "but I nebbah thought I'd lib teh see the day you'd raise yo' arm ag'in yo' own wife an' chile.

"Golly, massa," exclaimed the darkey, when Mr Meldrum presented him with the recovered copper which Snowball looked upon almost as the apple of his eye "me able cook pea-shoop now, sah, and bile de beef in 'spectable style, sah! Dat sospan, massa, no good for ship's company. Um bile, and bile, and bile, and nebbah bile enuff!" "Ah! mind you don't go cooking too extravagantly," said Mr Meldrum.