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"I know it," said Purvis. "Don't you worry." "Unfair!" murmured the man who understood quick-firers. "If I couldn't shape better than that I'd hire myself out to wheel a perambulator. He's cooked." "Nah," said the intent Matthews. "He'll answer to a month's training like a horse. It's only suet. You've been training for this, haven't you?" "Look at me," said the man simply. "Yes.

Do you mean that he is trying to save the credit of Moses, by maintaining that the Spirit of God which guides a sculptor is not the same in kind as that which guides a saint? Why, Parker and Moses are in the same boat. Mr. Rogers fires at it, in hope to sink Parker; and does not know that he is sending old Moses to Davy's locker. Nah! Rogers, not against you is fair play. I admit to Mr.

"That Potts means to visit thy gran-mother to morrow." "Weel!" said Jem, grimly. "An arrest her," pursued Elizabeth. "Easily said," laughed Jem, scornfully, "boh neaw quite so easily done." "Nah quite, Jem," responded Elizabeth, joining in the laugh. "'Specially when th' owd dame's prepared, as she win be now."

Did he give Piddie the fire on the spot? Nah! Mr. Robert carries around a frigid portico; but he's got a warm spot inside. He says he's mighty sorry to hear how near Piddie'd come to goin' wrong; but he's glad it turned out the way it did, and if Piddie'll say how much they rung him in for on Blitzen he'll be happy to make good right there. And how much do you guess? A pair of double X's!

Ey heerd sum o' t' chaps say os ow Sir Tummus is goin' to tak' possession o' Mistress Robinson's house, Raydale Ha', i' Wensley Dale, boh nah doubt he'n go furst wi' yer rev'rence, 'specially as he bears Mistress Nutter a grudge." "At all events, I will ask him," said Holden. "Are he and his followers lodged at your house, Bess?"

Richard, said the woman, in broad dialect, when the child had gone up half a dozen times; she was nervous, and kept holding out her arms involuntarily. 'Ah doan't ovver much fancy that kind o' laakin. What's more, he's allus reight dahn fratchy after a turn o' that. See nah, he'll nivver want you to stop. Do a' done nah, Mr. Richard.

Adna had traveled enough to know that the way to order a meal in a hotel is to give the waiter a wise look and say, "Bring me the best you got." This waiter looked a little surprised, but he said, "Yes, sir. Do you like fruit and eggs and rolls, maybe?" "Nah," said Adna. "Breakfast's my best meal. Bring us suthin' hearty and plenty of it.

Our men, lacking such comforts as Wolseley valises and pyjamas, merely denuded themselves of their equipment, and, with perhaps a preliminary search for "trench pets," slept in their greatcoats under shelters rigged up with waterproof sheets. They had no blankets, for it was summer, and blankets and rum issue are alike "Nah pooh" on the 1st of June.

An example of a tribasic acid is phosphoric acid, H PO , and here we may have three different classes of salts of three various degrees of basicity or base-saturation. We may have the first step of basicity due to combination with soda, NaH PO , or monosodium phosphate, the second step, Na HPO , or disodium phosphate, and the third, and final step, Na PO , or trisodium phosphate.

"Shall we hail?" asked Hoddan. "Nah!" snorted his grandfather. "I know his kind! Make him make the advances." He waved to his descendents. "Open it up." Somebody casually pulled back a cover and reached in and threw switches. "Found a power broadcast unit," grunted Hoddan's grandfather, "on a ship we took. Hooked it to the ship's space-drive. When y'can't use the space-drive, you still got power.