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I shall go to bed as soon as I get a bit of time to myself. Well, will you come? The half-time results are beginning to come in." A telephone-bell rang impatiently. "You might just see what that is, boss," said the old man without looking up. Buchanan went to the telephone and replied into it: "Yes? What? Oh! Myatt? Yes, he's playing.... Of course I'm sure! Good-bye."

She could not be sure, even then, whether Uncle Meshach had devised in perfect seriousness this extraordinary arrangement for dealing justly between the surviving members of the Myatt family, or whether he had always had a private humorous appreciation of the fantastic element in it. 'I don't know, she said.

A quarter of an hour later, Mr. Everard Myatt, having heard all that was to be told of his friend's terrible death and the arrest of Mr. Lawson, turned to go, meeting Hewitt at the study door on his way. "And how is poor Miss Creswick by now, doctor?" he asked anxiously. Hewitt shook his head. "No better than you could expect," he said, "but, on the whole, no worse.

Once upon a time, Ryley, the despised poor relation, the offspring of an outcast from the family, was to have been put off with two hundred and fifty pounds, and the bulk of the Myatt joint fortune was to have passed in any case to John.

Charlie, the little man, turned on his heel and proudly rejoined the crowd. He had been seen of all in converse with supreme greatness. Stirling and I also retired; and though Jos Myatt had not even done his doctor the honour of seeing him, neither of us, I think, was quite without a consciousness of glory: I cannot imagine why. The rest of the game was flat and tame. Nothing occurred.

In this manner the name and memory of the Twemlows were apparently extinguished in Bursley. But Meshach Myatt had witnessed the fire at the works; he had even remained by the canal side all through that illuminated night; and an adventure had occurred to him such as occurs only to the Meshach Myatts of this world.

But thou'rt a damned shark, Charlie, and if anybody 'ud give me a plug o' bacca for doing it, I'd bash thy face in." The other sniggered contentedly as he picked up his money. "A bet's a bet," said Charlie. He was clearly accustomed to an occasional violence of demeanour from Jos Myatt, and felt no fear. But he was wrong in feeling no fear.

"Very occasionally rarely, in fact there are one or two members of learned societies with whom he had been in correspondence, or who are old friends. There is a Professor Hutton and a Dr. Burge, I believe; but they don't appear once in six months; and there is Mr. Everard Myatt, who is more frequent.

"I know that case, too, as well as the other." "Do you know the name of the murderer?" "I think I do. We speak in confidence, of course, as client and professional man?" "Of course. What was his name?" "I have heard two Everard Myatt and Catherton Hunt." "Neither is his real name, and I doubt if anybody but himself knows it. Twenty years ago and more I knew him as Mayes. He was a Jamaican. Mr.

'Yes, of course, Twemlow commented, when the Myatt family-tree had been sketched for him by the united effort of brother and sister, 'I recollect now you told me in Liverpool that Mr. Stanway was married. Who did he marry? Meshach Myatt pushed back his chair and stood up. 'John catched on to Knight's daughter, the doctor at Turnhill, he said, reaching to a cigar-cabinet on the sideboard.